Mini Cfl Grow 1st time need help!

:leaf:1 plant strain unknown

:leaf:3 6500k cfl bulbs

:leaf:watering 1-2 a week

:leaf:18/6 light/darkness

:leaf:ph 6.7

:leaf:temp 75-78
no nute's yet still need to find the best store brand for N-P-K. any suggestions would be nice

:wall:the problem is its 2 botom leafs are turning brown at the tips and curling down. for the first week i kinda over watered it and i think that might be the problem but im not sure.for the last week and a half or so i have been watering it properly. but still no new increase or decrease in tip death. and its only about 3 inches tall and for 3 weeks that seems realy short. so i gusse stunted groth is the problem as well. none of the 3 or 5 leaf stems seem affected yet. please help

ps its in a 1 ft x 1ftx 1.5ft box with mylar. not the best but the best i can do for now.

thanks Canadiankush420:leaf:


Active Member
post a pic, im kind of confused..

if your new growth is not effected, then u are ok.

most likely u overwatered the first week (like i did) and the first sets of leaves showed the signs of it

those leaves will never recover but that is ok, as long as your new growth is green, ur good brother