Mini BB DWC (1st Live Journal)


Well-Known Member
Title: March 13, 2008 Two Weeks
Date: March 13, 2008 8:14 PM
Category: BB Wet Log
Tags: 2 Weeks

Day 15 (Day 6 Flower) - Two Weeks

Well it is two weeks since sprout... =]

Fourth node is young but present... I expected it to be a little bigger by this point but healthy is always number one so everything is OK... =]

A little bit of root growth... =]

I think that the leaves were a lil too yellow so I cut the solution in half (back to 1/4) I will keep it here till next week or until is asks for more...

Witchier comes first... =P

I should be able to put veg lighting back on next week as I am getting a god stash of pollen from my male BB... =]



Well-Known Member
Title: March 15, 2008 Rez Change
Date: March 15, 2008 7:58 PM
Category: BB Wet Log
Tags: 3rd Phase

Day 17 - Rez Change

Changed the reservoir a day early because I think I am going to be too busy tomorrow plus it kind-of started to stink...

I think I will buy some coco tops for the net pot so not so much light can get through the medium and promote unwanted growth in the solution...

Back to 1/2 strength nuts as it is well into the 4th node working on the 5th & 6th...

A bit of good root growth... Not as fast as I would expect but I am fairly inexperience at wet grows plus I do not really have all the tools I should...

But I think I will make do until I get some more experience... =]

So far so good...

Forgot to mention that last night I cut down my male as I have plenty of pollen for awhile so lights are back on veg cycle... =]



Well-Known Member
Title: March 17, 2008 System Update
Date: March 17, 2008 8:27 AM
Category: BB Wet Log

Day 19 - System Update

Had to make some changes...

I was getting this black/brown slime inside the rez and on my roots... I believe it was strangling them from oxygen...

They were looking droopy so I tried lowering and raising the res level with no affect... So I thought it might be the slime...

I had originally thought that the slime was just buildup from that black syrupy looking Liquid Karma but at this point I do not think so...

At any rate I removed LK from my solution for the time being...

I changed and cleaned the res last night after going to the hydro store and getting a coco lid for the net pot and a new air stone...

Wonderful all was looking up last night before I went to sleep I checked and the leafs had started to pick up and flatten out...

Unfortunately by morning they were back to drooping and touching the rez again... =[

I pulled out some panda film and tried to line the reservoir bucket as much as possible to try and keep the rez temp down...

They are around 70 on average...

I have also added Hydrogen-peroxide to the solution...

Not sure what else I can possibly do to get rid of whatever that dark brown/black smelly scum is... =0

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated... And if anyone knows what the scum actually is that might help to fight it... =]

Aside from all that it still looks healthy... So I am not to worried but I would like to see flat leafs not drooping ones... =]



Well-Known Member
Probably not... It was only about a week long and i have had mixed nuts under my sink cabinet for like amonth that were still good and did not smell like that...

I am guessing (90% sure) i have root rot... =[ GROWFAQ - ROOT ROT

Basically i have a pythium fungus... I will be visiting my hydro store soon to get something to combat it... In the mean time keeping Liquid Karma (probably feeding the fungus) out of the res and using h202 will slow down the pythium growth... =]

I live this forum... =]


Active Member
Ewww that sux bro. Hope the stuff you get to combat that takes care of it for you. I'd try using expanded clay pellets (hydrotron) next grow. They look nice though



Well-Known Member
Title: March 18, 2008 Die Slime!!
Date: March 18, 2008 3:41 PM
Category: BB Wet Log

Day 20 - Die Slime!!

Well we can definitely rule out the Liquid Karma as the cause of black stuff on the roots... These poor roots are looking unhealthy... =[

They are not brown and dying but definitely off white and starting to brown... =[

Found MORE black slime (pythium or root-rot) on the roots this morning... Made a trip to the hydro store...

I pulled the system apart and cleaned it AGAIN...

Placed the whole net pot in a water and h202 solution while I cleaned and prepared a new nut solution and a Clearex solution...

Also soaked the air stone in a h202 and bleach solution during this time...

When I was done I agitated the net pot and roots around in the water h202 until most of the scum was not visible...

The water was dirty brown by this point...

Then I rinsed the roots and net pot in the same manner with plain water (tap no reason to waste RO water)...

Its now sitting in the Clearex solution and should be done in about 15 min...

I will update when I get back from school...

There is more... =]

Later... =]

I hope this works... :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Title: March 18, 2008 Die Slime!! Part Two
Date: March 18, 2008 10:29 PM
Category: BB Wet Log

Day 20 - Die Slime!! Par Two

Ok so here we go after I ran the system through about an hour Clearex flush I added 1/4 strength (recommended lower dose for recovery) nuts as well as turning off some of the lights also to help with recovery...

I went to the hydro store and bought some Hygrozyme to help with a few things...

Number one, supposedly, it will start growth of beneficial bio-organisms that will overpopulate the pythium and bring it in check...

I hope... Fingers crossed...

Secondly if there is any dead material (does not look dead yet but getting there) in the roots or reservoir it will break it down and turn it into beneficial material that the plant can use...

Third it will promote better and new root growth, witch is much needed... =]

From what the grow store employee said it might take awhile and he recommended a product from Advanced Nutrients called Nutrizyme or something like that witch he said he saw results more quickly but you have to use twice as much (per manufactures recipe) witch at this point equals more money to me plus I have herd such good things about Hygrozyme that I decided to go with what I know and try the AN version at a later date...

Plus the bottle of Hygrozyme said it can be used with hydrogen peroxide, which I added tonight...

Well that's it wish me luck... =]


Well-Known Member
Title: March 19, 2008 Hopeful!!
Date: March 19, 2008 2:13 PM
Category: BB Wet Log

Day 21 - Hopeful!!

Checked everything this morning and it looks ok... No funky smell, except for the Hygrzyme that stuff smells weird... =]

No funky slimy buildup... Turning off a few lights also helped the res temp witch is about 60F now... =]

Added another ml of Hygrozyme, not quite at the maximum, and I will add another ml tomorrow morning along with more h202 tonight...

So all in all I think in time it will recover... Hopeful... !!

I will update again when things visually start to change... =]


Well-Known Member
Title: March 20, 2008 It Lives... =[
Date: March 20, 2008 6:44 PM
Category: BB Wet Log

Day 22 - It Lives... =[

Despite my best efforts this stuff just wont give up... =[

But neither will I... As long as there is still living mater I will still try to save it...

Time to post a thread in the problems forum... =[



Well-Known Member
I hope this works out for you. I just pulled the plug on a similar situation. If you fight on and pull this off I'll feel like a jerk. But I'm still rooting for you! (pun intended):weed:


Well-Known Member
Worst case senario i will pull the litle one out and try to do a cloning situation... I will pull it out and cut ALL roots off and clip back all but the last 2 nodes and place it in a cloning situation while i clean and disinfect my system... =0

Its not dead till its dead... =]


Well-Known Member
Title: March 23, 2008 Recovery!!
Date: March 23, 2008 12:44 PM
Category: BB Wet Log
Tags: Res Change

Day 25 - Recovery!!

A slow but gradual recovery... =]

The top few nodes are starting to flatten out and despite the sickness it has grown new nodes through the stressful event...

And the best looking part is the new growth on the roots... It is small and slow but it is still good news... =]

There was still sludge on the old roots that I washed off with h202 heavy water but as long as none of the new growth dies it should make a comeback... =P

Still hopeful... =0
