Mineralz' Grow Cranny -- Ever-evolving DWC


Well-Known Member
Hello Mineralz....

That strain looks like it is close to what I have growing right now....I wish I new what strain I have right now , it's a mystery...All I know is it is some kind of purp....

I gave my brother a clone of what I got and he is pollenateing some to get seeds right now....Any way that shure looks tastey.....could be a killer choice....nitro...
Thanx for droppin by Nitro :D With any luck we'll have those beans in another week or so ;) I dig the brotherly love! My bro asked me for a DIY grow kit for xmas lmao


Well-Known Member
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So I was hella bored and decided to snap some shots. I gave the DK her final under-canopy trim I think. The smaller stuff on her main limbs seemed to do pretty well getting to the top of the screen. The other stuff on the underside I nipped off and damn was it stinky ;) I took 2 clones from her as well. I left 2 smaller limbs on her skirt and they were really decent cuttings. Her stretch is starting to slow down a bit, but prolly another week or so she'll be in full flower I think. Her pistil production was went from "somewhat" to "hauling ass" over the last 48 hours and her nodes are stacking nicely. I went through with the plans I had for the other 4 BL clones I had and kept the best one. She's already got fishboning on her root system and she looks a lot better than when I got her a couple days ago. Obviously the 2 clones I took from DK are the ones that are drooped over. They're not really droopy at all it was just the way they were growing so they bent on their own. Very nice stalks on em so I hope they both make it. I double-checked everything with the cloner just to be safe and actually the BL clone was thirsty! Very good sign for me as I dearly love that strain. I need to pick up a couple of fans tomorrow and then a couple of things to add to the tent. I'm gonna try to add some CFLz for side lighting and whatnot tomorrow so until then ;) Happy growing!


Well-Known Member
Day 14 of Flower 001.jpgDay 14 of Flower 002.jpgDay 14 of Flower 003.jpgDay 14 of Flower 004.jpg

Did a rez change tonight for the first time with the new bucket. Took a little longer than I had liked, but it went smoothly. I keep forgetting that I made these buckets for my vert run so I got confused lulz. Nywayz, I mixed her up a batch of full bloom nutes. I love how the Technaflora flower mix is nice and clear water, but the veg mix is kinda dark and cloudy. I don't plan on moving her until she's done, but I could see her root system through my fill hole in the lid and damn they were gorgeously white! Really stoked to see that my old water was still chilled as well :D PH issues I haven't really had so that helps a bunch. I just hope it stays this generous. I'm officially done with my screen training as well. She's got another week or so of stretch left, but I wanna see how tall I can get my buds to be so I'm just spacing her out rather than intense tie-downs. She's on the brink of showing full flowers and the new mix should do her wonders so I figure my next update she'll have cottonballs everywhere and I can finally see the fruits of my labor. Exciting times!! Oh yea, I also threw in two 42W 2700K cflz for some extra oomph and a total of 484 watts of light;) It did get brighter...well I'll be!


PH--> 5.6
AIR TEMPS--> 66F-75F
RH--> 15%-30%


Well-Known Member
Cool Tube.jpg

So I just wanted to show you guys my new cool tube ;) I got 2 of these 14" Hurricane Glass Shades off of saveoncrafts.com for like $6 a piece. Should do nicely for my Vert setup next run. Only 6 more weeks! I'll prolly have it built by then, but still...I gotta have somethin to do in the meantime lulz. I'm pretty sure I'm gonna be removing some components as well so I dont have to run so much wattage for a small tent. 1 600w light compared to a 400w and side-lighting would be dope, which is what I have my <3 set on (Lumatek 600w Dimmable) and I'll prolly acquire some other trinkets along the way. I really want a tri-meter because those things just phuckin rock and my bday is comin up soon so maybe I'll get lucky ;) The clones look way better today and I know for sure at least 1 of them will make it. The other kinda went limp, but she stiffened back up so we'll have to see I guess. The BL clone is startin to come outta her stunt and grow somemore everyday so thats also pleasing to see. The DK is lookin good. Her nodes have stretched up about an inch or so and flowers are pretty much visible. The smell is coming on strong so the frosting shouldn't be too far behind. Bout it for today...weekdays are kinda hectic so I try to update during the weekends as much as possible hence the 3 days in a row of pics. I'll prolly throw somemore up in a couple days. Oh yea and my beans are on their way to my house!! :D :D :D


Well-Known Member
So as I sit here loading my bong....I realize that my beans are in my county of residence AND lastnight I bought a 600w Lumatek MH/HPS Dimmable ballast, a 15' Hydrofarm All System Cord Set, and a 600w HPS bulb. Shit's goin down...


Well-Known Member
Scrog I see. That's what's up. I'm thinking of doing it on my next one. Running 4 amnesia haze rdwc. 600 watts.
Sup Hector. Thanx for swingin by and checkin her out. Pretty much once she's done I'm going full vscrog ;) I've been planning it out for almost a month now and I pretty much finished getting supplies to make it work. Now we wait :/ You got a thread or nything goin? I'd be interested in checkin out ur shiz :D
I don't have a thread but I've been posting in my journal on my profile the grow I am working on. 4x8 tent with two 6s. Two separate ebb and flows. Had 4 maxi gom auto and 4 auto northern lights with a fem photperiod afghan haze and power kush. Had lots of trouble.with the northern and lost one so moved them to a closet with fluorescents and divided the tent to flower the gan and kush. On day 42 I think it is. Come check it out man. So do most people post their grow in a thread rather than update a new.post in the journal?


Well-Known Member
Hey good looking bush ya got there, I am kinda new around here so interested to see how your DK turns out.
Thanx for chiming in Metal ;) Alwayz nice to see people post in my threads. I really do enjoy basic conversations lulz. I check in on your grow as well and man those are some beasts! That 2000w should work for you nicely Id say :D Feel free to post whenever man. If nothing else I try to at least log on everyday. Peace and happy growing


Well-Known Member

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  • So first thing's first
    Here's some shots of the clones. The Bubblelicious is doin awesome and don't mind the brown tint(it's just from the Root 66) on her roots. Everything with her is nice and white and she's grown a couple nodes up top
    Very compact as well thanx to those 42watters. The 2 DK clones that I took are looking good also. I don't see any signs of rootage yet, but it's only been 3 full days since I clipped em. They both hold their own weight and don't seem to be dying off or anything so with luck...neva used this system before (it was a gift also).​


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  • So here's DK today
    She's done quite a bit of growing actually in a few days. Almost overnight she went from minutely flowering to full-blown flowers and then some. ALWAYS a nice surprise! I tried to count her sites today, but I could only manage to get to 38 before I couldnt remember if I counted that one or not lmao. I'm hoping she stacks up nicely....only 1 plant I need her to. All new growth is frosty!!! YAAAAYZ So stoked to see those today. I packed the bong and went down and chilled with her for a good hour or so. Did some moving of the bud sights and whatnot to try and clear some space. I did remove 3 fan leaves :/ It was for their own good lulz. I measured her and she's roughly 27" in diameter.​



Well-Known Member
Skribed from here missed alot i guess lolz looking good bro alot different from the last i was watching it seems u still in the box? Dude ive got alot of catching up to do.... Lolz


Well-Known Member
Skribed from here missed alot i guess lolz looking good bro alot different from the last i was watching it seems u still in the box? Dude ive got alot of catching up to do.... Lolz
Sup DL! So glad you posted man...been kinda dead lately and it makes me wanna smoke more lulz. Basically the wife and I have moved since the last round and I'm decking out the tent now. I didnt do shit for almost 2 months and tbh I was kinda depressed about it :/ I bought new gear and I'm just waiting for it to arrive. This single scrog I have goin has 5-6 more weeks left if I remember right then I plan to go full vertical scrog on 3 walls with my new 600w Lumatek ;) Thanx for swingin through man! Alwayz a pleasure


Well-Known Member
Day 15 Bloom 003.jpg
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So here's the DK at Day 16 of Bloom. Sorry my numbers are kinda criss crossed. I forgot to subtract the 4 or so days she took to show full blown pistils off of my flowering time. Either way she's just starting Week 2 of heavy bloom? Flowers are stacking up pretty nicely. I don't remember her being an above average yielder, but the quality of the smoke is what I'm crazy about! Just something about the high....VERY intense. 'Tis a shame I dont know what she is...I can't give anyone but myself any credit :/ Nywayz, trichomes are coming on nicely! She's been very thirsty this week. I'm still not used to seeing a gallon of water in a 5 gallon bucket disappear...I've done 3gallon buckets and totes, but the 5 gallons are somewhere in the middle. I like to be able to eyeball how much water she's drank roughly, but I'd guess almost 1/2 gallon a day is what she's been drinking thusfar. I restocked my nutrient supply! This Sunday is my usual weekly rez change and she's getting her first shot of full-strength nutez. The batch I gave her last Sunday was about 70% strength and she seemed to dig it. I'm really liking this less is more thing I've been doing also, but I wanna get to KNOW my strains as opposed to drowning them in nutes and prayin ya dig? I only give her nutes on rez change days and just fill her bucket with ph'd water maybe 2x a week (3x if she's drinking heavy) and let her go. I'm not wasting hardly any nutes at all with the current feeding schedule and she's never ran out of nutes either so I guess it works out in the end....good to tha last drop ;) There may be a name for the above method, but even veteran growers learn something new every grow I would say so I dont feel like a complete newb lulz. Her canopy is very thick, but her main limbs and bud sites remain dominant and the other stuff is JUST below them so they're definately not shaded out. I made sure they either would or would not survive....waste not want not and so forth. Just for the record--> Smoked a blunt with the wife and 2 close friends...was a mix of WoWo, BL, Mazar, Blackberry Kush, and some shit called the Golden Dream? Either way....I'm pretty blitzed outta my skull right now:shock: <3 head and body highs

On a different subject....I NEED OPINIONS DAMMIT!! When my 600w setup finally gets here I have to swap out the 400w with the 600w. However, I dont have a reflector for said 600watter :/ I'm not tripping bout the no reflector part...but I do and need to know which would be better. Hanging the bulb horizontal with the coolglass and ventilation OR hanging it vertical with the coolglass above the plants?? My first guess was to hang it horizontal and try to find a makeshift reflector, BUT 600w is a shitload of lumens for a 3x3x6 tent no matter which way you look at it. And so RIU, please drown me with your opinions!! Puhleeeease ;)


PH--> 6.0
AIR TEMP--> 77F - 62F
RH--> 15-30%


Well-Known Member
Mins id say hang that bad boy which ever way is going to give u best footprint over ur flowers man i dont wanna sound like an azz with that suggestion but put it in however it best covers ur plants.. And ur right bro the six hundo prolly twice as bright as the four.. Didnt u used to run a six? I cant remember man! Anyhow yea i think it was whodats grow that i seen him useing those cheapy reflectors strapped to his tube or maybe it wasnt his grow idk but i think there something like maybe twenny bux it be a good idea to get something like that to reflect down on the girls..
Plants looking hella good btw bro keep up the good work..
Im getting super excited bout getting back into the water man yeehaw


Well-Known Member
Mins id say hang that bad boy which ever way is going to give u best footprint over ur flowers man i dont wanna sound like an azz with that suggestion but put it in however it best covers ur plants.. And ur right bro the six hundo prolly twice as bright as the four.. Didnt u used to run a six? I cant remember man! Anyhow yea i think it was whodats grow that i seen him useing those cheapy reflectors strapped to his tube or maybe it wasnt his grow idk but i think there something like maybe twenny bux it be a good idea to get something like that to reflect down on the girls..
Plants looking hella good btw bro keep up the good work..
Im getting super excited bout getting back into the water man yeehaw
Yea man my 1st impression was to hang it horizontally and I've never ran anything but a 400w until now..

Flo Grow

Well-Known Member
Wud up Minz!?
Lookin good bruh !
Won't that 600w fit in that Sun System 2 reflector you're using ?
You will prob get better cooling running it like I do my tent.
No glass lens
CanFan sitting n top of tent

Flo Grow

Well-Known Member
I vent straight up to the ceiling with no bends anywhere.
Passive intake using the floor vents and my temps sta 4 degrees above ambient house temp.


Well-Known Member
Wud up Minz!?
Lookin good bruh !
Won't that 600w fit in that Sun System 2 reflector you're using ?
You will prob get better cooling running it like I do my tent.
No glass lens
CanFan sitting n top of tent
Supz Flo!! Glad you got your account back mane! I've been checkin in on your grow as well and I'm glad to see you at it again :D I'm definately gonna tinker with the 600w when it gets here. If I can get away with bare-bulbing it then thats awesome, but I dont see it happening. I do however think my ventilation will get alot better. I can get rid of my 6"-4" reducers and really open up those ducts. I do plan on cutting a hole in my ceiling as well ;) Heat rises straight up so thats the best way I could imagine it being done so good call on that one! Really stoked man! Thanx for posting as well! Figured I'd have more RIU buddies swing through by now, but then again I just started the good stuff also. We all know Veg is the boring part lulz Happy growing man!