mineral water?


Well-Known Member
As long as it's safe for you to drink it shouldn't hurt your girls. I'd avoid generic bottled "drinking" water, as they tend to be loaded with sodium in particular.

They don't need mineral water. All the nutrients they need should be in your soil or from a proper balanced food source.


Active Member
the bottle says its low on sodium, but i thought that mineral water might be alittle better because it has lots of co2 and the plant gets more co2? tell me what you think.


Well-Known Member
I was always told in hydro never to use mineral water, use distilled or ro/di because you want to start out with 0ppm water before you add nutrients to it. I just like the simple math, what ever the ppm is, i know that's all nutrients.


Active Member
From what I understand C02 is only absorbed through the leaves... I WOULD NOT put any water with C02 in my tank personally.. I tried distilled, tap and RO water in my ebb and flow setup and have found the best results with RO water... I buy mine at walmart it has a pH of 4.9 and a PPM of 4-6

Good luck and I am a nube but thought I would chime in...
