mimosa hostilis

I think since all they would have to do is type mimosa hostile is into google to find em would mean they don't need forms to find the vendors, I could be wrong tho, I think people don't like sharing vendors is cause if you find a good source you don't want everyone going there cause the the price might go up and might be sold out more often
I think since all they would have to do is type mimosa hostile is into google to find em would mean they don't need forms to find the vendors, I could be wrong tho, I think people don't like sharing vendors is cause if you find a good source you don't want everyone going there cause the the price might go up and might be sold out more often
That seems more likely to happen. The.prices often skyrocket. Damn profit driven, economically conscious bitches!
I think when vendors get in trouble is cause they start talkin about illegal activities to "customers" over email, this is why shroom vendors won't tell you how to grow but can still sell spores...that's just the way I see it tho
Just got acrb from ebay shipped from HI last week. It came powdered and cost 44 dollars for 500 grams Extracted 250 grams. Got completely fucked on it. I have a post in this section about it. Didnt defat or recrystalize. Ended up with white crystals and a tan wax (looked like peach colored goo before drying). The crystals are drying but the wax was extremely potent.... And looking at the amount....I feel like I pretty much have a lifetime supply.