I know this is an old thread but i recently purchased a ph600 test meter w/ a bottle of 7.0 buffer, 4.0 buffer & electrode rinse for $32, so i couldn't pass it up. But so far Ive had it for a month and Ive use it about 4-6 times a week. I haven't had to adjust it yet, but i do occasionally recheck it with my liquid kit and its always within .2 ph of where the liquid kit is so I figure its most likely giving the correct reading. Since Milwaukee doesn't really give you any directions on how to break there meter in, I decided to call there toll free number and this is what the tech guy told me. He said before you even use it to test anything that your suppose to sit the meter in a glass of plain tap water and leave it sit there for 2hrs or more also he told me to not even bother trying to keep the electrode wet w/ your cap on to just keep it in a cup of tap water at all times your not using it, because if it drys out, it wont read correctly anymore. Although the meter comes dry so I don't understand how that works, but i figured Id add a little new info on the post in case anyone else is wondering the same things i did.