lol. Ron Paul is going to get run out out Florida by a mob with torches. How do you think his views on Israel are going to go over there?
Ron Paul will finish dead last. He'll finish behind Donald Trump's write in votes. Ayatollah Khamenei would beat Ron Paul in a Florida republican primary. Yasser Arafat's corpse would beat Ron Paul. Maybe he'd tie Hitler, but even that would be optimistic.
so much awesome here.
rick perry will drop out or will catch fire. i don't think he'll catch fire.
florida is a critical swing state this year. if obama only wins what kerry did + florida...BOOM. 271. 4 more years.
ron paul can NEVER win florida, primary or general election. this is not to say his views may be wrong, this is just to say that in reality, lifelong democratic voting jews will not vote for ronald. this alone is why he can never win the presidency as a republican.
that leaves santorum, gingrich, and romney (frothy, adulterous and lubricated weather vane).
i feel like we may be getting trolled here. it seems like they are leaving fox news operatives santorum and newt in there to vet romney. i bet we will see cain get a position at fox news as well. cain was the original troll, with pokemon and simms references.
romney is the guy now, and i hate to say that. santorum has no chance and gingrich has slim to no chance.
time will tell. although ronald the millionaire will not win, he will still wield much power, which is what makes this race so much fun. i can't wait to watch his delegates wreak havoc at the convention. they will be drunk in the august sun of florida and it will be hell. this is for sure.