Millionaire ron paul flies first class on your tax dollars


Well-Known Member
Those are pre planed flight rates not same day rates
he can't sit in coach? or use his own fortune to get an upgrade to first class? he has to use my tax dollars to get a better seat while deriding federal spending?

hypocritical little gnome.


Well-Known Member
Keep it up and him and his super mutant ninja brothers will open a can of whoopass on you...


Well-Known Member
[h=3]If no one’s in a mall, do they notice the geothermal energy?[/h]
  • $5 million to create a geothermal energy system for the Oak Ridge City Center shopping mall in Oak Ridge, Tenn. From, “The main problem, says Republicans, is the fact the mall has been losing tenants for years and is mostly empty.”
  • $9.38 million to renovate a century-old train depot in Lancaster County, Pa., that has not been used for three decades

[h=3]Puppet terror![/h]
  • $100,000 for socially conscious puppet shows in Minnesota
  • $2 million to build a replica railroad tourist attraction in Carson City, Nevada
  • $462,000 to purchase 22 concrete toilets for use in the Mark Twain National Forest in Missouri
  • $3.1 million to transform a canal barge into a floating museum that will travel the Erie Canal in New York

[h=3]Why did the turtle cross the road?[/h]
  • $3.4 million to create an underground turtle tunnel, or eco-passage, in Lake Jackson, Florida. We love turtles and don’t want them to get smashed by traffic. However, when your government spending plan involves jokes like, “Why did the turtle cross the road? To get more stimulus money,” you can pretty much guess there’s a problem.
  • $1 million to study the health effects of environmentally friendly public housing on 300 people in Chicago. I bet those 300 people would rather split the million and get out of public housing all together.
  • $983,952 for street beautification in Ann Arbor, Mich., including decorative lighting, trees, benches and bike paths
  • $1 million for Portland, Ore., to replace 100 aging bike lockers and build a garage that would house 250 bicycles. I think Portland’s bike programs are fantastic. I also think that it is possible to find cheaper ways to store bicycles.
  • $700,000 to Oregon crab fishermen to help recover lost crab post. You would think for that much money they could just go buy new ones.
  • $1.5 billion for a Carbon Capturing Contest
  • $300,000 for a GPS-equipped helicopter to hunt for radioactive rabbit droppings at the Hanford nuclear reservation in Washington state

[h=3]Reefer madness[/h]
  • SUNY Buffalo received $390,000 to study young adults who drink malt liquor and smoke marijuana. Of course if they had used that money to pay for more kids to go to school they would have less people to study.
  • Washington State University got $148,438 to analyze the use of marijuana in conjunction with medications like morphine. Both of these studies will probably one day be used in the fight for marijuana decriminalization.

[h=3]This article paid for by stimulus money.[/h]
  • In rural Wisconsin, 37 little-used bridges are receiving $15.8 million in stimulus funds. According to the Milwaukee Wisconsin Journal Sentinel, “The 37 bridges average 568 vehicles a day.” Some of these bridges see less than ten cars a day.
  • Montana received $2.2 million to install skylights in their state-run liquor warehouse.
  • The $800,000 given to John Murtha Airport to repave a back runway has pissed off many, many people—myself included. This airport services a whopping 20 passengers a day and has, over the past decade, already received millions in federal funds. Representative John Murtha treats this as his private airport and has spared no expense, too bad the money isn’t his but ours.
  • $1 million was given to a Chicago dinner cruise company to “combat terrorism”
  • The Coast Guard gets $572 million to create 1,235 new jobs. This comes to $460,000 per job.
  • Here are two things that should have been paid for privately: $30 million for a spring training baseball complex for the Arizona Diamondbacks and Colorado Rockies and $11 million for Microsoft to build a bridge connecting its two headquarter campuses in Redmond, Wash., which are separated by a highway. Instead of taking our money, why isn’t Bill Gates helping with a solution?
  • $1.15 million to install a guardrail for a persistently dry lake bed in Guymon, Okla.
  • $2.5 million in stimulus checks sent to the deceased
  • $6 million for a snow-making facility in Duluth, Minn.
  • And, of course, every project gets its own $300 road sign claiming: “This project was paid for by stimulus money.”
Sources: Wall Street Journal, Washington Examiner, LA Times, Milwaukee Wisconsin Journal Sentinel

And your bitching about a little bit of airfare? I dont mind the travel expenses nearly as much as some of the other problems in washington.

so yeah go ahead, nit pick the little things, cuz thats all you got. RP for pres !!!



Well-Known Member
Oh wait heres more..... HaHaha funny shit here ...

  1. The Terrible 20: Stupid Government Programs That Should Be Cut
  2. The “What’s Up With Owls” Fact-Finding Commisson ($6 billion)
  3. Keep The Kardashians On TV Legacy Loan Program ($499 million)
  4. Supplementary Assistance to the NAACP (National Association for the Assembly of Cat People) ($40)
  5. Senate Investigative Sub-Committee on Owning Outer Space ($2 trillion)
  6. Dept Of Defense Exploratory Report: "Why Are Clowns Scary?" ($600)
  7. Tourism Earmark: Construction of Mt. Asbestos Kiddie Park (Helena, Montana) ($54 million)
  8. Federal Funding for the Second "Secret" NASA That Deals With All That Weird Alien S*** Like In Those Will Smith Movies ($78 billion)
  9. Dept Of Defense: Sea Monkey Super Soldier Project ($48 million)
  10. The "Big Ol’ Capital Building" Moat Fund ($62 million)
  11. Jurassic Park Prevention Program To Keep Dinosaurs Extinct ($200 million)
  12. Federal Funding for the "Bring Waldo Home" Search Committee (Number Unknown) – Joy McVey
  13. The Sub-Committee to determine who in congress has the best planking/owling picture. (86 billion) – Rosemarie Carman Clemons
  14. The 50 Stars Program: Preventing North Dakota and South Dakota from settling their differences and becoming one Dakota. ($427 Million) – Nikachu Brueggemann
  15. Federal Subsidies for Truck Nuts Manufacturers ($16 million). – Mitch Garrard
  16. Federal Funding To Ensure That All CD And DVD Packaging Remain Pointlessly Difficult To Open ($79 billion). – Darrell Kannwischer
  17. FCC: Anti-Indecency Measures to Cover Up Liberty Bell's Crack ($179,000). – William J. Hammon
  18. "My first Nuclear Reactor" Kids Program (50 million) – Arvin Sotes
  19. The Search Team Responsible for Finding Carmen Sandiego ($100 million) – Alex Ullman
  20. Congressional Night Out At Dave And Buster’s Fund ($10 million) – Joey Hough
  21. The "Maybe Our Deficit Will Disappear If We Cover Our Eyes" Initiative ($1,407,487,395,186) – Spencer Secoy
... And that's all we've got! Thank you to everyone who submitted and congrats to those who made the cut. Let's do it again soon. Until next time, USA! USA! USA!

a little levity people, you should try laughing once in a while.....


Well-Known Member
Mrs Pelosi ...

And your bitching about a little bit of airfare?
... And that's all we've got! Thank you to everyone who submitted and congrats to those who made the cut. Let's do it again soon. Until next time, USA! USA! USA!
deflection, deflection, and more deflection.

this is not about nancy pelosi or government programs.

this is about a hypocritical little gnome who flies first class on MY tax dollar while pretending to be so worried about federal spending.

the man is a millionaire, and he wants me to foot the bill for his first class flights?


Active Member
it's not that much money.

that isnt worse than ANY other candidate. including barack.

so if anything, this solidifies my vote for paul. i liked him tonight.


Well-Known Member
I fly First class on my employer... Why shouldn't he? haha He's still a better candidate for a brighter American Future. :-/ Paul2012!


Well-Known Member
Eh, he gave back what, almost 150k that his office didn't spend?

The dude can fly first class for all I care, he's trying to save us trillions and you guys are getting the tar brushes out thinking we are going to hate him over a what, 5 digit number?

I'd treat myself a little too for all the bullshit I'd have to put up with for 30+years just trying to get a common sense message out if I was Ron Paul.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Even though he expounds the virtues of not using taxpayer money and preaches on high about wasteful government spending. What a hypocrite. But it's o.k., because it's Ron the Paul and whatever he does is o.k.. Even if it goes against what he stands for. Hilarious. This just gets better and better. LOL


Well-Known Member
it's not that much money.
$25,000 is not that much money?


tell that to your average taxpayer.

he spent more on upgrades to first class than i make in a year. and he claims to be some fiscal conservative god.

the old millionaire couldn't dip into his own deep pockets? he has to gauge the american taxpayer for his extra leg room?

hypocritical old gnome.