Milk... Do you drink it?

Milk...Do you drink it

  • Yes. Milk.

    Votes: 50 80.6%
  • No. Milk.

    Votes: 10 16.1%
  • Never tried this so called "milk"

    Votes: 2 3.2%

  • Total voters
Eww, milk.

I used to have milk in my cereal, and i used to love cheese, but now i have almost no dairy at all. Even when i ate dairy, i was never a big milk drinker.

Occasionally i'll have Bailey's Irish Cream, coffee creamer, or something with cheese, but i try to avoid it because it doesn't agree with me.
I love milk. 2% though most of the time.
I in general like dairy products. but sometimes, nothing quenches your thirst like a glass of milk
I take 2 level teaspoons of kief
2 cups milk and a dash of nut meg.
Put them in a sauce pan bring to a study boil stirring constantly for 10 mins.
take a cups worth and make hot chocolate milk, theres enough for 2 servings.
Ew milk is gross in my opinion. It is a creamy texture thing for me I think, can not do it or anything creamy milk like. The only milk I drink is a tad of 1% in my tea lol. Damn I am starting to gag even typing about milk EW!. :D
Ew milk is gross in my opinion. It is a creamy texture thing for me I think, can not do it or anything creamy milk like. The only milk I drink is a tad of 1% in my tea lol. Damn I am starting to gag even typing about milk EW!. :D

Lol and lol. I feel the same way about gummi anything. Run! Hide!
I only ever really have milk if it's in with some type of food, I rarely if ever drink it by itself. I'll drink it if I'm eating cookies or cake or something like that though, mixes great. I'm more of a water guy, some juice, the occasional soft drink, mostly water though
Don't you guys know they are using milk as a delivery system for some sort of retarded conspiracy theory bullshit to poison us?
Milk, tap water.. what the fuck doesn't involve some sort of conspiracy theory these days...

My first thought is toilet paper, haven't heard any theories about tp that's very sinister.

Edit: acctually I have. That like 1/3 or so of the perforations are only for looks, so there's a good chance of it not tearing and you end up with way more tp than you need. That is seriously sinister if it's true...
I don't drink milk anymore as I suspect a growing dairy allergy for some damn reason. But when I did I loved traders point creamery. They sold it at a local wholefoods.

Best milk I ever tasted. When you pop the cap there would be a thick cream on it.
I absolutely love milk! I'm drinking it right now as a matter of fact. I drink about 1/2 gal a day on average. I always go with 2%, or chocolate. Sometimes I put flavored coffee creamers in it when I'm feeling adventurous.

I say, bring on the kidney stones.
My first thought is toilet paper, haven't heard any theories about tp that's very sinister.

Edit: acctually I have. That like 1/3 or so of the perforations are only for looks, so there's a good chance of it not tearing and you end up with way more tp than you need. That is seriously sinister if it's true...

Buying toilet paper funds terrorism.
I'm not good with these or even know what they are called but if someone could change it to;

(plus rep)
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