Militant Atheists calm down.

jessy koons

New Member
Yes, you hit upon another pet peeve of mine. I don't know how atheism itself could cause anyone to be bothered by images of Santa at Christmas anymore than images of Dracula at Halloween. I can understand wanting to keep these things out of government. My tax money shouldn't go to buy religious decorations (or Halloween for that matter), but being bothered by seeing it in someones yard or a private business to the point of censoring it comes from some place other than a persons rejection of a deity. I have no problem with a person simply celebrating anything, as long as it does not obligate me.
Hear, hear. I am not bothered by people celebrating Christmas however they choose. Menorahs are cool and maybe some daytime fasting too. Maybe someone wants to gather their family around a lava lamp and pray to Carl Sagan, cool.

However I'm disgusted by the cult of commercialism that has replaced the religious sentiments most folks claim as their inspiration during the holiday season. The Church of Cash has been our house of worship for quite awhile.


It doesn't help.

It is a rational approach to the deep questions in life that weren't satisfactorily answered by religion that led us to science. Richard Dawkins is brilliant. That does not mean that you are convincing anyone of anything by viciously attacking the faithful. The violent disillusionment that you felt in the fresh absence of faith left you angry that you lived for so long believing bullshit. It is our altruism that makes us more mature. It is also generally true that atheists seem to know more about religion than the faithful.

Is it not a desire to free the world from the oppression of fallacy that drives us to spread truth? The ends do not justify the means. Faith is fear, counter fear with love.
appreciate your words as a fellow Atheist . always admired Richard Dawkins. and i agree with you that atheists know more about theist religions.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Those are the people that will never be free no matter what you say or do to them. They are the people that will die because they don't renounce their god when a gun is pointed at them.
i wouldnt renounce my god with a gun pointed at me either, nor would i embrace yaweh/jehovah/allah to preserve my life, cuz any asshole who points a gun at you and demands you accept his religion is gonna kill you anyhow.

militant atheists are as bad as the spittle flecked evangelicals, the mullahs with their fatwas, and kali cultists with their rhumal scarfs. if your beliefs require you to be a dickwad to any who disbelieve your communications, warnings and threats, then your beliefs are either fucked up and retarded, or you arent that confident in your beliefs and you want to be part of a crowd so when your shit is proven wrong you wont be alone in the dark.

unclench your butthole and let the plunger handle slide out. if you keep gripping it that hard youll prolapse.