Mildew on young plants?


Active Member
I have two 3 week old bagseeds growing right now before I grow my Alaskan Ice seeds. I just wanted to see how well I could maintain the bagseed first... but it looks as though I'm not doing too good. I've noticed a little bit of whiteness on the leaves... and I thought it might be from foliar feeding (which I have been doing with the lights on... I know now, after researching, that thats a big no-no and I'll never do it again)
Am I starting to get mildew, or is it just from the water and nutes drying up on the leaves?
The closet doors are closed at all times because of my cats, but are opened atleast 3 times a day for a minute or so while I check on the plants... and there is a fan on all the time in there. It is a bit hot at times... and I'm not sure if its the right humidity, which is why I've put a picture of the temp and the hmidity on here for everyone. I'm currently using foxfarm ocean forest soil with perlite and jacks classic nutes about 2/3 strength (started at 1/4th) since the lightbulbs (a couple CFLs currently off 6 hours a day on 17hrs) are practically inside the pots, it does get a little stuffy even with the fan blowing on the plants, so the soil does dry up rather quick. I've been watering with a spray bottle on stream and I pretty much just water the soil around the stems thoroughly when I do it so its not much, but I do it about every night. I also switch the spray bottle to a light mist and give them a little foliar spritz after I water the soil.

So yeah... I'm not sure if I'm getting mildew or just getting paranoid.

Anybody have any advice?



Active Member

Jeeze idk what to do with these damn things I wanna know if I should buy like a special spray for them or something if it is mildew...



Well-Known Member
I have two 3 week old bagseeds growing right now before I grow my Alaskan Ice seeds. I just wanted to see how well I could maintain the bagseed first... but it looks as though I'm not doing too good. I've noticed a little bit of whiteness on the leaves... and I thought it might be from foliar feeding (which I have been doing with the lights on... I know now, after researching, that thats a big no-no and I'll never do it again)
Am I starting to get mildew, or is it just from the water and nutes drying up on the leaves?
The closet doors are closed at all times because of my cats, but are opened atleast 3 times a day for a minute or so while I check on the plants... and there is a fan on all the time in there. It is a bit hot at times... and I'm not sure if its the right humidity, which is why I've put a picture of the temp and the hmidity on here for everyone. I'm currently using foxfarm ocean forest soil with perlite and jacks classic nutes about 2/3 strength (started at 1/4th) since the lightbulbs (a couple CFLs currently off 6 hours a day on 17hrs) are practically inside the pots, it does get a little stuffy even with the fan blowing on the plants, so the soil does dry up rather quick. I've been watering with a spray bottle on stream and I pretty much just water the soil around the stems thoroughly when I do it so its not much, but I do it about every night. I also switch the spray bottle to a light mist and give them a little foliar spritz after I water the soil.

So yeah... I'm not sure if I'm getting mildew or just getting paranoid.

Anybody have any advice?
Could just be water spots.....seriously its water spots your being paranoid


Well-Known Member
maybe try foliar feeding a couple times without any nutes just to rinse them off, i bet the residue would go away, and make sure it is distilled, NOT TAP WATER!


Active Member
well first thing make sure less light right now to small of a plant n try to get sum nuitrients get sum superthrieve it should help


Active Member
Less light? Really? I was actually gonna go out and buy more lights tomorrow...
I'm probably gonna buy a ballast for my 400w hps when I get the money... hopefully soon