Mildew help


Active Member
Hi Im growing kush, and I have mildew on the leaves and buds. Can I spray Einstein oil and not hurt the buds if some gets on them. Im about 3 weeks from harvest.


Well-Known Member
mix one tablespoon of baking soda into a gallon of water and saturate the plants at lights off.. it will change the ph of the leaves so they cannot grow but will not harm the plants. you can spray it up until the week of harvest. i would not spary neem because it will make your nuggs taste funky if you spray em too late. also increase ventilation


Active Member
Well I just moved my room, and they got caught outside for a few days, and it is really cold here. I think the room is ok, just need to get them back on track. I have 2 can fans, both 12inch, one in and one out. Temp is set at 73 is that too cold.


Active Member
Well I sprayed the Baking Soda today, how fast will this work. When I stick my head in the door in the morning, will the mildew be all gone. Thanks. again.


Well-Known Member
yea you wont see it.. or it may take 2 treatments if you have it really bad but i have a theory about mildew..

i feel like if it gets bad enough it can become systemic meaning that it gets into the "bloodstream" of the plant and will pop up with proper conditions. so if you dont see it that doesnt mean you can stop treating and be all good.. i would suggest continually treating every day until the week of harvest just to be safe.


Active Member
Way cool thanks, That was my next question, how soon can I spray again. Also how late in the game can you use flora mite. You rock Flo thanks for all your help.


Well-Known Member
floramite will provide a "residue" that keeps mites at bay for up to 29 days so that being said i wouldnt do it past week 2 of flowering because you know they lie about that shit lol.. in fact i honestly wouldnt even use it at the first sign of flowers but to each his own i suppose..

also i would just do straight water every third treatment with the soda just to make sure that you rinse it off and no residue builds up.. also be sure to mix it up really well so it can dissolve and you are not getting soda crystals on the buddage
