Mike Huntherz Presents: The Perpetual Variety Good Time Grow Show!

I'm running some of the Joe P stuff durban poison ibl & BlackBerry Durban
2 completely different pheno BB/d's didn't search a pheno but I pm tested the seedlings
he's got ibl genes that predate Nixon that he's working with
Cool guy
Neighborkid has a Durban Poison cutting from Humboldt that looks sick. Interesting stuff, so much to learn.
My Durban Poison is just now throwing flowers it's hit the ceiling weeks ago I keep pulling them down with bamboo but I looked again this morn & damn 2 more pre-colas at the glasss
the trunk is nearly the size of my forearm . it's gonna be Xmas harvest there IBL lol she's in the grnd & a 55 gal bbl 1/2 buried in a part of the g/h has no floor

i got 2 phenos of BB /Durban ones getting chunky colas (indy leaner)
the other is huge with buds fucking every where (sativa leaf) & a Intense anise berry peach nose when i rub the stem or the buds
all are from Joe P in Oregon
Rib injuries suck, they hurt like a motherfucker and you can't hardly do anything without aggravating them.

I guess you'll just have to sit and your desk and get your homework done, young man!

Yip I remember breaking some ribs years back playing gridiron. Except we went wearing any protection gear.....we should just stick to rugby.

I remember each time I breathed, it felt like a little prick was standing there, just sticking a knife into my side
I'm using a product from JR Peters labs that I haven't seen anyone else use for cannabis, Jack's Hydro FeED aka Oasis Hydroponic 16-4-17. Using it and tiny bits of MgSO4 and MKP during flower, nothing else. I'm running Coco drip to waste in Tupur, like all the kids these days. So far the girls seem to like it. Anyone else talking about this stuff?

I just bought at least five years worth of nutes (even if I expand...) for like $100 total, shipped to my door.

Oh, and here is a thoughtful paper on Epsom Salts, and fertilizer manufacturer marketing.

"The science behind the use of Epsom salts is only applicable to intensive crop production in situations where magnesium is known to be deficient in the soil or in the plants. It is irresponsible to advise gardeners and other plant enthusiasts to apply Epsom salts, or any chemical, without regard to soil conditions, plant needs, and environmental health."

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Well shit, my landlord is coming for a visit next Tuesday, an inspection visit. I'm going to try to save what I can, but a lot of these girls have to come down prematurely. Bollocks!
Oh, no! Could ask around and see who might have a spare closet for a day or two.
I have a plan, but I will harvest one a bit prematurely, another way too early, and will lose one nice adult just starting flower, but I have rooted cuts of pretty much everything except @shorelineOG's gear. I'm planning on saving three of six of those, I am almost sure they are female...
It is going to be a lot of extra work for a few days, and will set me back a bit, but it isn't a huge tragedy, merely inconvenient. I will throw all the babies and Shoreline's juvies in my camping cooler in the garage for the day, all good. The adults are too big to move safely and I don't feel right asking my awesome backyard neighbor to take any risk on my behalf.

Tearing down the tents and cleaning shit up is going to be an unwelcome, if minor, bitch. I will probably go into maintenance mode until we move to a new place, I imagine that'll come very soon.
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Anticipating having to move, within a month, no time to finish them, and I might be moving across state lines, so fuck that. There are some places I could stash some babies, but after a couple days of thinking it over I decided the risk isn't worth the loss.

I'll miss my Bruce Banner cut I never got to run, and I'm sad that I won't complete my obligation to @shorelineOG, but I'll probably buy a pack or two in the future, and I have some other nice beans laying around already to get me going again once things settle down.
If ain't one thing it's your mother. I get to buy a new phone today.

My phone mysteriously died yesterday without warning or incident. The only thing it is good for now is a stage prop, or maybe projectile weapon. Did I say mysteriously? The new iPhones came out last week, mine died about 5 days later, is there a connection? I suppose it is possible they think it is their right to put a killswitch in their products. I've had it for nearly 4 years, what am I, a caveman?

"Get a new phone, hobo!" - some millennial, to me, probably

And Apple is just trying to protect me from that sort of abuse...maybe? Thanks Apple!

@ttystikk if anyone tries to reach me and fails, this is why. I might try forwarding calls to Skype, but I'm not sure I can do that without my phone booted. This is how they get you, my life does not function without that goddamn thing. It is like we're attaching eels to ourselves.

Networked Service/Servitude Eels.

My truthful technical guess as to why it ate the wall would be that the internal, non-serviceable solid-state storage device exceeded its lifetime read/write iterations and catastrophic failure ensued. I believe that because of reasons so boring I'll refrain from typing them here, for it would be naught but errant pedantry to so do.
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