Migro 240 Aray unboxing

At some stage they updated the system efficiency figure they were showing for these lights. It used to be 2.42 umol/W for the 240W full spectrum+red at 6 inches but is now showing as 2.25 umol/W on their website (the updated figures are in the product description and the manual here: https://www.migrolight.com/araymanual/ ; the original is still in the downloadable PDF manual linked from the bottom of the online manual page):





Also the specs table for the light says the average PPFD is 754 µmols/m2/sec where as both the above charts list the 'PPF' as 811 µmols/m2/sec so who knows....
Here is a video review someone did of the 240W full spectrum+red:

The actual power comsumption was 216W at the wall. The PAR readings seemed low.

The Migro guy commented on it:

"Hi thanks for the testing, much appreciated. Just to clear up you tested the first version of the light with the 2.3Amp driver. The website PAR chart you are referring to is for the more recent 2.5 Amp driver consuming 240 watts. If you would like the 2.5 Amp driver to test against the current PAR chart please let em know and I will send you one with no charge. Take care, Shane PS the mylar walls are critical for the PAR numbers so the test will only compare accurately with mylar walls on the 4ft x 2ft perimeter on all sides"

Also someone on another forum who bought one of the lights emailed Migro after noticing the change in efficiency figures and got the following reply:

"Hi, our early +RED LEDs were run at a lower wattage and were a higher LED binning. We revised the wattage up after a few months and this reduced the system efficacy. We also reduced the binning of the LEDs and adjusted the specification accordingly. We hope to revert back to higher dinning LEDs in the future, depending on availability."
How are you testing it? With a handheld like Shane what's the point again? can skew positive or negative depending on your bias.....I can guess which way you're leaning:-P

Half this forum is using unbranded baba strip lights, without the term "estimated" in the specs. Still only around a dozen grow light companies with third party testing......

So cheap and easy to have done. I want the results for my own future design / product. R&D ect....
At some stage they updated the system efficiency figure they were showing for these lights. It used to be 2.42 umol/W for the 240W full spectrum+red at 6 inches but is now showing as 2.25 umol/W on their website (the updated figures are in the product description and the manual here: https://www.migrolight.com/araymanual/ ; the original is still in the downloadable PDF manual linked from the bottom of the online manual page):

Also the specs table for the light says the average PPFD is 754 µmols/m2/sec where as both the above charts list the 'PPF' as 811 µmols/m2/sec so who knows....

You can bet your bottom dollar shady Shane has got wind of this thread :D, and wanting to keep up appearances that "I am trustworthy buy a light from me people" he has adjusted the figures to keep reputation intact!
You can bet your bottom dollar shady Shane has got wind of this thread :D, and wanting to keep up appearances that "I am trustworthy buy a light from me people" he has adjusted the figures to keep reputation intact!

I noticed the numbers changed. 2.25 sounds about right for the driver current used. Cant say I'm impressed by the light. Flimsy.
I noticed the numbers changed. 2.25 sounds about right for the driver current used. Cant say I'm impressed by the light. Flimsy.
He’s got to do something about the connecting brackets... makes the light feel like it’s about to fold in half and mine does have a slight bend.
I also own Aray, 120 one, still trying to figure out what this ligh does and best way to use it.
What is your opinion on the light so far?
What distance do you recomend for diffetent stages of plant cycle, without dimming?
I also own Aray, 120 one, still trying to figure out what this ligh does and best way to use it.
What is your opinion on the light so far?
What distance do you recomend for diffetent stages of plant cycle, without dimming?
I grow scrog with light now. 6” height. Dim light to 60-70%~ during veg and early flower. Then Full blast 3 weeks~ into flower.
All of yall busting on this mans light when no one asked you for your opinion. Seriously, unless you have something positive to add to the conversation, fuck off.
i got a migro aray in september and to be honest its working fine, before everyone shouts "youre from ireland, your bias", i watched 50 videos about leds on youtube, its a frigging mine field out there, i was going for a mars hydro 250 before i settled on the aray 4 (red), tbh if i had any problems with the light i could drive to the supplier quite easily. all i can see is criticism. go onto migro youtube channel and compare his reviews to others channels.
the real problem these light manufacturers have is they base are their results on tests that dont actually involve growing a cannabis plant. although to be fair Shane looks like he is stoned out of his face in every video. if i had of choosen the mars 250 it wouldnt have fitted in my tent. take out the middle spacer on the migro and it was usable. permanent fix was to get a 4x2 tent instead of using a 90 cm by 50 cm tent ???
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with the all the snake oils being sold in the industry and consumer spending based on figures, its fair to publicly review products.
Well I think one reason why a lot of people do it, is its easy to criticize something. You sit back and pick it apart. Adding something positive or constructive to the conversation is a lot harder. Could his light be better, absolutely, but he had it a point to mention on his video that its about value of the light. He wanted to make something decent for a decent price. I think he accomplished that.
I also own Aray, 120 one, still trying to figure out what this ligh does and best way to use it.
What is your opinion on the light so far?
What distance do you recommnd for diffrent stages of plant cycle, without dimming?
the migro light is designed to be 6" from the top of the canopy. theres a dimmer switch on the driver, i used 20% or 1/5th power from seed until i had 3 sets of leaves then gradually turned the light up by 20% every few days until max. just check the plant for signs of stress and lower the light down again until the plant recovers.