Migranes And Marijuana


Well-Known Member
hi everyone, i have EXTREMELY bad migranes, they are mostly constant, and i heard that marijuana can help, is this true? if you have any thoughts, please help :) :shock:


Well-Known Member
Depends on the type of weed, THC level and body chemistry, but yeah it should help, no way to know without trying.


Hey man,
As a migraine sufferer myself I can say that yes, marijuana does help, BUT it definitely depends on the strain and potency.. I noticed that the lower quality stuff definitely doesn't help so I wouldn't even mess with it. I like anything with the heavy body stone of an Indica when I got my migraines. Vapes are key, the smoke just irritates it even worse. Hope this helped a little, good luck my man.


Active Member
Migraines are very different for every person. For me indicas get the job done for most migraines, but for more severe ones where I get high light sensitivity nausea and severe pressure pain in the front of my head, sativas are the only thing that do it. Experiment for yourself and find what works. Also pay attention to how much you have to use. For me if I smoke too much indica my headaches can actually get worse, whereas with a sativa I can puff away gram after gram and it continues to mitigate the pain.


Well-Known Member
i tried a nice blend of afghan kush and gods pussy, it helped a fair bit to just smoothen out the symtoms, but didnt kill the whole thing, but hey, i think i just found my new medication :D


Well-Known Member
I have to agree with ExDex1x1 I get them and sativa help with the nausea aspect of it and quick pain relief. I noticed og kush is a good strain for them but indicas usually creep up slow. But indices are good for pain but not quick relief like an saliva.


Well-Known Member
I get headaches from smoking sometimes I never thought you could cure it that way.
My experiences have been off and on for all its stated cures:

Bolemia- Sometimes when im hungry and smoke a bowl im not hungry anymore

Sleep aid- Ill be sound asleep when my girlfreind hands me a bowl and then all i wanna do is watch late night tv instead of sleeping

Vomiting- burning thc coats your lungs and makes you dry heave when you burn it - or you just gag from too big of a hit

headaches- I get headaches from smoking weed sometimes - particularly when you hold it in

Chronic LBP - my body is more receptive when i smoke making the pain worse sometimes.

Im not trying to knock it, In fact I love it and will never stop. I smoke though because it makes getting off work more satisfying, video games more enjoyable, and sex more passionate (sometimes it steals your sex drive though). So dont lie to yourself like a crackhead saying his crack makes him more productive. just to be clear... weed rules!


Active Member
it sucks, my wife is a non smoker, and a year ago she got into a car accident, that left her with migrains on an every other day basis for awhile, she went to physical therapy and doctors and now..its like every other week or so..sometimes shes just been in so much pain..and of course im always there sayin..."just take a little puff.." lol but she wont (hates the smell..THAT much) its sad. but nice to know it helps with it..maybe ill show her this post next time shes moanin for relief. lol


Well-Known Member
Ya I get migraines too and weed definitely helps....I actually havent had one in about 2 years (used to have one a month-ish) and I think its cause I been smoking heavily.