Mighty Midwest Growers Thread


Well-Known Member
I got your buds right here mothafucka! Looks like your gonna need help trimming!! You should come down sometime and I will get you blazed on some Oregan Buds.


Well-Known Member
anyone else flood last night?
Woke up this morning to find my air compressor floating at my basement door. Needless to say my grow room is probably destroyed as well


Well-Known Member
Damn...that sucks....no flood here...although it is all we hear about on the news right now....fkn ice jams and shit....then they dump a shit ton of wood ash on the ice to melt it faster and then flood all the people farther south down the rivers....so sorry if I caused all your flooding....LOL


Well-Known Member
Fucking city got backed up. I"m just glad that my grow room isn't finished. So at least it will be easier to deal with insurance and what ever I may have to do. Might even make a buck or two off of this. Who knows. I feel so cursed in life at times that at this point I just kind of smile and go with it.


Well-Known Member
I feel yah right there...things just finally started looking good for me(knock on wood)....but it's how it goes....we'll be fine for a while...then we have a shit run for 6-8 months or so....gotta love life!!!!!


Well-Known Member
thank you much green dave.

flamdrags - sorry to hear about that man. my basement flooded a few years back, wasnt growing at the time, but it destroyed everything that was down there. it sucks for sure. the clean up is always terrible too.. hope it all works out for ya.


Well-Known Member

This is what I came home to. So my sub pump is still working thank god
Before I left to work I could touch the compressor with my foot.

I'm a survivor always have been. Thanks for the thoughts. I'm not sweating it though. This is going to be a good year for me. I go through cycles and my peaks always start on odd years and strangely enough coincide with the ink on my skin

I did put a lot of time in my foundation and added drain tile. Did this while I was on my down time for other reasons in between working on my room. It's just when you have no where to pump the water (ie the fucking city piece of crap water drainage) then water is bound to get in. THe ride to work was fun too today. Wish I had my camera then. I saw some car drive through a flooded road. Looked like someone had taken the road and moved it to a corn field. Some car past me going 30 and I waved good bye to them as they lost controlled and floated away......

Skipping work tomorrow or the next to bring home a 5hp gas pump to flood this sucker and get a commercial dehumdifier in the space. At work I was thinking I could use my shop vac to help pump water out but then I realized its in my grow room from drywall work. doh! lol maybe I can break in my aqaurium pumps and try them out.

A couple of things come to mind and perhaps I'm glad this happened before and not after I'm up and running. Not if, but when this happens again I'll need some kind of plan. 1.) Add some kind of float valve on the wall in the grow room. WHen that hits pump the grow room. Basically adding a sub pump the the grow room. 2.) have an ark set up on living level or attic. SAY WHAT ?!?!!? If I would be up and running now I would have been morep issed. Why? If I spend all that money on genetics that people do on here, they would have been all gone. So What I plan to do when I'm up and running, is to take 1 clone from my 2 week schedule (or what ever schedule it tends to be) and keep it up here in my closet under a cfl just to keep the genetic pool alive.
I'll be back some day. Keep it rockin
Ps I'm without heat and a hot shower. Its 56 right now in my house. I have my electric blankie, my cat, my bong, and a fith of so co I brought home to keep me warm tonight
be blessed and see ya soon
~~ Flams ~~


Well-Known Member
Damn bro....I'll be thinkin of ya....hope all goes well.....glad you can laugh it off....
2.) have an ark set up on living level or attic. SAY WHAT ?!?!!?

funny shit right there!!!!



Well-Known Member
most overseas orders have been taking a long ass time. i bought something from the UK on ebay...it shipped feb 2...still not here..

i guess if the package is over a certain weight now, they have to cross the ocean by boat instead of plane....so obviously that would take longer.

i also read somewhere that customs has changed a few other things on how they process packages and its taking some time to get it going correctly...

who knows why....all i know is attitude always used to get their orders to me in less than 10 days weeks, less than a week a couple times....but my last 3 or 4 orders have taken over 15 days. seems that everyone is having that problem right now with international mail.

also, for some reason, the usps tracking updates have been extremely delayed as well. it gets to new york, then it doesnt update til after i receive the package...


Active Member
Yes, very nice veg, very healthy looking plants...

FOOTBALL!... snow on the ground, ribs smoking on the grill, beer in the fridge... FOOTBALL!
Chiefs are out and I dont give a shit...

What kinda advice you looking for?

You can stiil pull it off... veg indoors and plant outside in mid sept. or even later maybe... I have some knowledgable friends that i can ask if youre Really interested...
hey nice thread you got going here! and yes im mad that the chiefs lost too! hehe know im kinda late on that but yea :(


Active Member
most overseas orders have been taking a long ass time. i bought something from the UK on ebay...it shipped feb 2...still not here..

i guess if the package is over a certain weight now, they have to cross the ocean by boat instead of plane....so obviously that would take longer.

i also read somewhere that customs has changed a few other things on how they process packages and its taking some time to get it going correctly...

who knows why....all i know is attitude always used to get their orders to me in less than 10 days weeks, less than a week a couple times....but my last 3 or 4 orders have taken over 15 days. seems that everyone is having that problem right now with international mail.

also, for some reason, the usps tracking updates have been extremely delayed as well. it gets to new york, then it doesnt update til after i receive the package...
Yep.. Very true. Ive had real qood luck with most companies. This time all are delayed.

hey nice thread you got going here! and yes im mad that the chiefs lost too! hehe know im kinda late on that but yea :(
Nice... Im a child of divorce so Im used to the abuse... Ha