Might not be the right place. Help with the Noseeem gnat/mosquitos

This prob isn't the right place but since we take care of bugs on our outdoor plants with all safe stuff, I figured it would be best for my question.

I'm in the North East we get these Noseeme's they are like half mosquito half gnat, that they are in swarms the second you touch the grass especial at dusk. I have a dog that is super comprimised health wise after getting attacked and come back to health so I need things as natural as possible.

An clue? I have mosquito pellet things on the way for gnats in my tent. Neem oil? Anything quick and safe? I can't put any lotion on her until she's healed.

FYI-smoking next to her always gets her a little hungry and that was what helped her start eating again. So it's sort of bud related.

Thanks in advance. If this is in the wrong spot can you direct me?


Virtually Unknown Member
You're looking for something to spray on your outside foliage? On the pot specifically or just surrounding vegetation or both?