might loose power


Well-Known Member
so i'm a new England grower and have a super storm coming for me they are talking power outages i'm running a cfl garden 12/12 from 2am to 2pm what should i do if i loose power :-?


Well-Known Member
got a flash light atleast put that on if the power is out and no light outside but when it gets bright out just put it near a window im in the same area as you and im expecting a power outage but i got my genorator ready


Well-Known Member
alright sounds good so the flash light wouldn't make it grow any just keep it with enough lite to stay alive


Well-Known Member
I got a generator so I'll be ok I hope I don't lose power though they always take their sweet ass time to turn my power back on. but if your power only goes out for a day or so it aint that big of a deal if it don't come back on the second day I'd just put them in a window. but I don't think this storm will be that bad last year when irean hit us I lost power but it wasn't even out that long less than 12 hours but your in flower so that won't hurt them. if you where in veg you wouldn't want the lights out too long. but thank god I got a generator cause I got some nice girls vegging.


Well-Known Member
thanks for all the help now just have to worry about one hell of storm and the trees around my house to any one on the east coast stay safe and stock water


Active Member
This is really sad to hear, I just went through a slight power outage on my end. At least it started right when the light first came on. I hope it misses you fellow grower.