Micro's second pc attempt. 182 watts. Arjan kush. Soil.lots of pics. Rep to who post


Well-Known Member
r2: i agree i have read things about having the bulbs like that as well, but i am officially at 182 actual watts as of this morning and the only way to properly exhaust that heat is the way i have them... i took the soda can off because i couldnt find a can big enought to fit the 42 watter i added...lol... if i could have found one i woouldve used it... the pan is a good idea, and worth a shot if i werent pleased with what i have... the box could be better, but i am content... temperature is great and almost 200 watts... im using some chrome duct tape... so that will prolly be the only reflectors i will use... but def thanks for the advice homie...

easyflo.. thanks man.. it feels good to know that my grows have helped people...

pit: howd that movie turn out? good or shit?


Well-Known Member
the vid was badass man we watched one more and got another tonight we r down with scary shit and we dont see each other hardly all week so on weekends we rent movies and go out to eat and get fucked up today we cleaned the lac and changed the oil for our trip to rio dosa next week gonna be away from my laides for 4 days im nervous


Well-Known Member
damn... i would be nervous as well... get agood watering/feeding in and u should be fine.... i am always nervous about my timer failing me...


Well-Known Member
so.. saw these nutes and decided i wanted to get them and try them out... also... the pik of the bud in my hand is some colorado purp.. the pik of the bud in the pipe and/or around the pipe is some sweettart and the bud chillin on the table is some supa silva haze... so far i would have to say that the purp was my fav. goodhard hittin indica... thekind that makes you so content you dontfeel likemoving... very very nice...



Well-Known Member
so, i am up to 182watts finally... i have my screen zip tyed to my container... i have also created a light trap on the back of my box outta a dvdcase... for anyone curious on how to make it, hit me up and let me know... it serves two purposes... to block light and to exhaust the the exhaust up and to make a way to where my intake is not pulling in my exhaust air and moreso cooler air from the bottom of my closet...

besides that, she is getting new growth in between the nodes now... i am officially 5 nodes tall... the pistils have stopped popping up and the plant is doing good.. slight nute burn from adding a lil more "n" than normal, but nothing serious...

the mostly black picture is really all i can get to show light leaks... that picture was taken in a pitch black closet with all my lights on...



Well-Known Member
damn... i would be nervous as well... get agood watering/feeding in and u should be fine.... i am always nervous about my timer failing me...
thats the thing i dont have a timer for my hydro ive been shutting it off during the day and running it at night i need to get one for just 12 12 for the pump


Active Member
Micro raise your rack 4-6 inch from the top of your pot. and read this 4 way LST. If you try that and place your rack at the right height. The buds you could get will be more nice.


Well-Known Member
thanks omega and blast...

r2... i get what your saying, but sorta wanna try it this way this time... i already have limited space flowering... i'll check out that lst thread right after i... UPDATE!!!!!!!!! lol... so yeah... uploading piks now... iv.e also been busy in the kitchen last night... mmmm....


Well-Known Member
so first pic update is what ive been working on the kitchen... a homie of mine threw me about a half pound (give or take) of some really really shitty schwag full of seeds... so i did the best thing possible... turn it into a pound of butter!!! so looks like im baking cookies tonight...

i managed to get all the keif possible out... the shitty part is i only had a cooking strainer for a screen.. so now im working on a way to get a keif screen and press... hopefully get a lil hash outta it... anyways.. check it...



Well-Known Member
so this is what i have learned so far about 12/12 from seed for sexxing purposes... it can be done easily, and only takes about a week to kick it back into veg if switched the day of preflowers...

no more pistils... she's getting some nice internodal growth... still short... getting a lil wider no more than an inch and half or so taller and im at exactly 5 nodes...

the day i put my timer on, somehow or another my dual intake fans were unplugged causing the temperatures to get super hot for a day... it burnt the tip of two new leaves and that was all...

the plant was yellowing a bit, so i decided to try the new nutes out... brought the "life" back into her over night...

so thats pretty much it for my update... hope you guys enjoy...

i.ll be back on in a couple days or so with more pics and updates and answer any questions... if there are some to answer...



Well-Known Member
r2... that lst/topping technique wouldve worked perfect for my grow... the deal is that my lil plant is way off by the corner of my container, so i have this pattern planned out in my head on how i wanna lst and weave through the screen i have attached to my container... hell i might end up doing something no one has ever seen before... i guess only time will tell...lol...


Well-Known Member
well... for thos of you curious about the lst tech im gonna try, ive mapped out a plan... imma bout to upload that pik and some piks of my lil lady from this morning... i also took a couple of piks with a bic for size referrrence... so... be back in 15...


Well-Known Member
so this is it.. its pretty simple... the green arrows point to wherei want the plant to go... the red lines represent where i will top, and the light blue circles are where i will zip tie to the screen.... i guess this isnt really a scrog setup at all, but i will be using a screen.. so i dunno... basically, when i can fill my screen as proposed in this pic is when the bitch is making her return to flowering....

like i said... this diagram is my plan... things may change here and there but this is how i am wanting it to go... lets hope for the best and prepare for the worst...

if i am right, this will produce thirteen bud sites or so...

