Micro's second pc attempt. 182 watts. Arjan kush. Soil.lots of pics. Rep to who post


Well-Known Member
looks nice micro, to bad you cant raise the plants closer to the lights, it would sure help out a bunch.


Well-Known Member
@micro not tryin to thread jack but say everyone check out my thread in my sig ive lost alot of followers well got a few but shits goin down ask my man micro hell tell ya we doin tha damn thing say im off to ship it bro. CLICK ON THE LINK IN MY SIG lol


Well-Known Member
hell yeah pit.. ur not threadjacking... lol... more people need to follow ur grow.. i mean hell man... ur doing hps now adays... lol... your gonna be gettin hella yeilds over me....

so click pitbudz87's link in his sig and show my homie some love... his shit is presidential...


Well-Known Member
gumball... ur right... i wanted some stretch going on, so the first week of 12/12 i had them as low as possible... trying to getas much stretch as i could basically... the rest of my time in flowering i will have them as closeto the lights as possible... just doing some experimenting with it... that is all...

toeveryone else... the comments are greatly appreciated... its lookin great... lemme get my piks up...


Well-Known Member
well startin out with the vid... enjoy it.. no mag glass... pistils show without it... lol... its sweet...



Well-Known Member
did a lil trimming last night..mostly to keep the overzealous fanleaves from shading allmy tops... lol... there are quite a few of those... anyways... didnt get a chance to break out the mag glass... but all is well.. u canstill see pistils andmy tops forming... i am still quite curious on yeild... no clue at this point... over an ounce, but how much over, im not sure...



Well-Known Member
its sorta funny... i showed my girl my lil lady this morning... she said that she "enjoys" this part of the grow and the other shit (vegging) is boring.. i told her i sorta feel the same way. but u have to get through that to get to this... she understood, but still said that vegging was boring... lol...


Well-Known Member
thanks homie... cant wait for that xmas present, but i think i am doing aight with what i have... cant wait to see what i do with those fiya nutes...


Well-Known Member
Damn bro that is looking very nice micro!!! I'm impressed!! I might have some questions for you here soon because I'm growing in a limited space and I want to make use of it like you!! +REP for the vid homie, very nice!!


Well-Known Member
Nice pics micro! Your plant is looking mighty healthy, very green and lush. You should start a smellytreez-style guessing contest on dry yield, I'm gonna go for 31g!

Lmao on the girlfriend comments... my girl is the opposite, she doesn't mind the veg stage and thinks they look cute when they're small but she hates the flowering stage cause of the smell... my next grow is gonna be all about stealth and carbon filters... gotta keep the girl happy!


Well-Known Member
haha my ol lady is shittin bricks cuz of tha smell in my house nd im freakin out thinkin of harvest and drying


Well-Known Member
such a beautiful smell i must agree... however.. i came home from work tonight to find 5 cans of lyscol air freshner next to my closet... she told me to use it cause it already smells dank in our room... lol... i love it...