Well-Known Member
no prob man... we call it southern hospitality where im from.. lol.. it was def the highlight of my day man... knowing someone on a site in secrecy for a few years, then finally gettin to meet them and blow down together was awesome... like wise man, that skywalker deisel was legit as shit too... lol... how stinky is that sour d? lol... small bowl at a time man.. lol... the purp is def saddens me we cant all get stoned together... we might have to plan a HUGE, secret party somewhere.... lol... any ideas? cfl and pc (party cup or computer) growers only... lol... or at least experience with... not neccesarily still using any of the prior, but have at least completed one grow using them... any of them... lol... us small time growers are a breed of our owwn... lol... wer.e just all a bunch of weed geeks...
Vegas, the land of conventions, is now a medical state...Rendezvous in Vegas for the first ever RIU Con? Haha, I've been playing with the idea for a while now. I couldn't agree with you more, though, we're just a bunch of weed geeks