microgrow with cfls

wtf?? lol well anyways..

Looking good so they are 12/12 from seed or were they clones.
also do you plan to transplant to bigger pots or are they the final ones?
how many watts/ color temps of your lights?
How big is your growbox?

I look forward to future updates!
They are 12/12 from seed with 200 watts of regular cfls from home depot. I'm going to transplant the smaller one I don't know about the bigger one. I'm also putting another 300 watt cfl when they start budding
im just using my tv stand thing with the cabinets under it. i just put paper in the cracks so light wont get out. and then you should put some white shiny paper around it inside so liht reflects just never use tin foil it will burn your plants



Well-Known Member
get a fan blowing in there brutha

id transplant them both into larger pots. atleast 1 gal

are you going to use nutes anytime soon?

otherwise, looks like a decent ghetto-grow for a beginner.


Well-Known Member
Im starting a super stealth grow soon with 50watts under hope to get like 5gs or something...This is pretyt nice man, cant wait to see the result