Microbreweries, craft beers, etc.


Active Member
What beer do you prefer? I've been interested in alot of micros nd stuff like that. But been pickin up different kinds of wheat ales lately, I like blue moon and shock top, currently have a case of magic hat circus boy (I heard they're #9 is a good beer but haven't have the opportunity to try it yet). Just looking to see what others like to drink, any suggestions in the microbrewery field or some wheat ales? Really enjoy them lol


Well-Known Member
Yuengling, Guinness, Becks....the list is long. I like Mexican beers too. A shorter list for the beers I hate like Pabst, Busweiser, Natural Ice. And all light beers.


Well-Known Member
I like to micro brew my own, the think that makes mine superior to others is the yeast from the panties, as far as i know im the only one making victorias secret brew

Total Head

Well-Known Member
sam adams has some good wheat ales. the summer ale and coastal wheat are flavorful and not too heavy, but are just a bit more filling than something like shock top. the cherry wheat tastes like cough syrup to me but some people like it. i like sierra nevada pale ale and i just tried their hefeweizen and it was pretty good, but not the best. hefeweizen tends to be a lot lighter with less %abv depending on who brews it but it's one of my favorite styles of wheat beer.

really your best bet is to hit up some local breweries. random little breweries can have some great beer, and depending on where you live, the availability of certain brands/styles can be limited. sam adams has something like 50 styles of beer but it gets real hard to find them once you leave new england. their lager is quite good, though, and it's all over.


Well-Known Member
Ommegang is a good brewer. Also if you can find Frazinkanher try it, it's a nice hefeweizen, light german beer. Circus boy is really good, the #9 and I had a romance a few summers ago. Stone Brewing Co. has a couple of good ones if you like aggresive beers. I would recommend the Arrogant Bastard Ale from Stone. I don't drink much anymore, but I know what I like for when I do.


Well-Known Member
everything i've tried from green flash has been very good so far esp their ipa. i don't drink very much anymore tho.


Well-Known Member
Heineken, Moosehead, Fat tire, bass ale, ipas. sam adams Boston lager. Dark beer with rich flavor. I'm a snob Budweiser/coors/miller is some nasty shit.


Active Member
Too many to remember lol. I'm not sure wat microbreweries I have around me, I'm in the western Pennsylvania area. But I do enjoy Sam Adams but haven't had alot of opportunities to try different ones. I had the summer ale at a local bar last week nd liked it. I think my next buys guna be the magic hat #9 because I like the circus boy and upon reading some reviews people say that its actually they're least favorite of the magic hats so I'm curious. Sam Adams is pretty available around here so ill def experiment with them.