Damn hackers. We're losing good stuff here

Yah that was a bit sketchy.
You sure have done a whole lot with a 400W, a light rail and Vert growing. Nice setup tech! Crunchy!
Thanks dude most guys would say its too much for a small grow but I just can't help myself lol.
Love your work buddy,just wanted to say thanks for sharing

I got some great info and idea's from your thread.
keep up the good work!
Thanks bro I'm glad if anybody besides myself can benefit from this thread.
I barely averted a complete loss of my entire grow recently. I had been having trouble with the gfi outlets tripping. This happened a couple times just days before I was leaving to mexico for 7 nights, great timing lol! The only thing I could come up with was that maybe too many of the sub pumps were kickin on at the same time, I have 6 altogether. So I tried to offset the times as best i could and removed the cloner full of seedlings from the cab and put it on another circuit, I knew they would not last more than a few hours without power.
So I head off on my trip leaving a friend to check on them as often as possible, turning off my cel phone and praying for some luck. No such luck. I come back a week later to the find that the gfis were tripping constantly, my friend had stopped by 4 times and each time had to reset them. The power was out when I got home and the plants in veg were wilted badly. Luckily they recovered and are still vegging away. The 4 in flower I'm still watching closely, after all theat stress I'm sure this won't be a seedless grow.
Anyways here's a little update, there almost 6 weeks into flower but they look more like week 4. They look happy and healthy apart from some light bleaching.

Heres my fav the SK1

White Widow , severely bleached but doesn't seem to mind

And the SK2s, probably ditch these next round

Veg looks good considering, roots are damaged though and will take time to recover. I now believe it was the wiring in the veg fixture that was causing the problem, it should be fixed now.
The early wonder skunk is coming along, I'll probably be doin the seed run with a friend at they're place. He's got a lot more space and I don't want to risk pollinating my other girls.
I also built a drying cab a couple weeks ago out of an old filing cabinet, since I'm not using it I lent it to a friend to try out but I'll of post some pics of it when I get it back. It holds about 2-3 lbs and can takes a couple weeks to finish.