Micro pc cfl ghetto bagseed grow


Well-Known Member
Hey SketzoH

Looking fine there. As you say, maybe a little too much tlc but nothing fatal. Are you going to train them or leave them to grow straight up?

Think you are about right on the 12/12. Pandora Peaks is a 7 week strain and should be done and dusted in 11 weeks or so.
Well when i move (16th) ill be putting them into my new cfl closet grow :D and scrogging them.. and then in my pc i shall be starting fresh feminized seeds for a mother :)


Well-Known Member
Good luck with it all. As long as you have mom-in-a-box you are still a paid up pc club member :)


Well-Known Member
Good luck with it all. As long as you have mom-in-a-box you are still a paid up pc club member :)
haha yes i shall still be pc'ing it! i think its just perfect for a mother..
Deciding on my seeds now, looking at getting some Kushbery anyone had any luck with these?


Well-Known Member
Rite gonna be an update tonite at 12GMT.. :)

Still no sign of sex as of this morning but shouldnt be long as ive got 2-3 alternating nodes now on my larger one

Going to order seeds this weekend..im looking at getting either Big Buddha Blue Cheese or DNA genetics Kushberry anybody had experience with either of these strains?


Well-Known Member
They seem to be taking a long time to show SketzoH. How old are they now?
Yeah i know bit worried about it.. think could be due to the small amount of watts i got at the moment (40w).. moving in a week though so theyll be getting well over 100w then :bigjoint:

Been 6 weeks btw v12 :(


Well-Known Member
Hey SketzoH

I suspect they are just a bit slow in showing. Some of mine have shown in 4 weeks and other have taken over 5 so it looks like maybe it's strain-specific.
The new lights will make a big difference but back in the 80's all I had was 40 watts of normal flouros and I used to flower 6 at a time! They didn't look like Granita but they smoked just fine :)


Well-Known Member
Hey SketzoH

I suspect they are just a bit slow in showing. Some of mine have shown in 4 weeks and other have taken over 5 so it looks like maybe it's strain-specific.
The new lights will make a big difference but back in the 80's all I had was 40 watts of normal flouros and I used to flower 6 at a time! They didn't look like Granita but they smoked just fine :)
Ahh thats good to know v12! much appreciated.. like i said was a bit worried that id fucked them up or something lol :dunce:


Well-Known Member
Will you have the room to grow them straight up in their new home?
If not then it may be worth starting to bend them a bit as those stems will be hardening up soon. You can still bend them after that but it becomes a much slower process.


Well-Known Member
Will you have the room to grow them straight up in their new home?
If not then it may be worth starting to bend them a bit as those stems will be hardening up soon. You can still bend them after that but it becomes a much slower process.
Im going to SCROG them in their new home.. but yes i have started to LST them you cant rele see that well in my pics(sorry crap camera lol) :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Sounds like you have it all in hand then. It's just a waiting game now :)
Yeah i noticed some calaxys(think thats right) forming around the 5-6th node last night.. it looks kinda pear shaped/tear drop shape no hairs yet so bit worried lol :-(


Active Member
Haha looking good i want to build one of these for my self but i afraid that the cases i have might not be big enough!


Well-Known Member
Haha looking good i want to build one of these for my self but i afraid that the cases i have might not be big enough!
This was done in an micro atx case.. but they will be moving to a closet in a week when i move house :clap:


Well-Known Member
Hey man,

Also a UK PC...well Apple Powermac grower. Defo the way forward for stealth, check out my journal and keep up the good work.