Ugh ,
Im so fucking mad right now ,
And its my own damn fault
Any of you ever just get so mad at one of your plants that you just want to rip it the fuck out and just start another one ?
I knew it was going to go into to shock from the butchery shit i did
But stupid ass was not thinking and i watered it afterwards
the problem is not that i watered it
the fucking problem is that i watered it that mourning and it just slipped my mind
and after i butchered it to hell , ( I FUCKING WATERED IT AGAIN

and i didn't even realize it till earlier when i checked on it ,
i seen that All the fucking leaves were cured under themselves
and the tips of the leaves were dieing off and shit
now i have to put it into some more shock
Well since their was to much water in the soil
i had to sit their and dump it all out braking off all that saturated soil
then re planted it into nice dry soil ,
but i lost half the root ball in doing so
so its just completely fucked up at this point
i thought about just taking a cutting off of one of the half ass decent branches for a clone and try it again with the clone
What do yall think about that ?
im just so mad at myself for making such a noob mistake
oh well
hears a pic of my poor on the verge of death baby
please let me know what yall think about just taking a clone and re doing it
ill check back later tonight or tomorrow , im leaving now to go to my sis b - day party
and drink my sadness away , ( hopefully she might have some smoke )
ok here is my poor baby
please pray to the Ganja Gods for me