cool what did u do spread reflector out
u should only use damp paper towel or vaccum dont use cleaners will mess up mylar
thats exactly what i did , i just flexed up to the sides
i went over it with a damp paper towel but their stills little partials i just can not get off
i took my vacuum to it and it ripped the mylar i had to tape it back down .
oh last year when i was on i believe it was you that said that you grow hydro and not soil , ( do you still )
got a couple of questions for you if you dont mind .
I've always want to bust through the concrete in my closet to give me more vertical space.
new project lol , use masonry drill bits and break out the sawzaw with the masonry blade . ( get er done )
Hey Goten, The cab is coming along nicely. Maybe since you have the cab all lined now you could remove the reflector all together? Also since you'd like to scrog, next trip to walmart check out the square tupperware containers and some black duct tape. Helps in cabs to use the space efficiently. I had great success with the 1.5 gallon and some lst.
that is what i got my man , its one of those tupperware tubs
i got 2 of them , one i painted black and that is what the plants are sitting in right now
the other im gonna try to make my own little dwc system with it ( try anyway lol )
it looked like this before i painted it
also this is my first time trying to scrog so i just got to wait and see how it all works out
and their is no need for me to take the reflector out , it is not in the way , plus i do not have mylar on the top so the reflector is still helping out