Micro ebb/flow (NOW DWC), all CFL ScrOG, perpetual Stealth locker

This is what I did on saturday night....

As you can see there are a lot of dead leaves..


This is the foam pad I used to insulate the top tub from the heat of the shelf and lower lights.


Checked on the clones... one is dead, and the rest look like they are in re-veg limbo..


Clone mothers are doing very well... Esperansa 2nd has no fan leaves just branches =]


My girlfriend tossed some bagseed in her plant pots and... well here..


I chopped the re-vegging clones. Tossed their mini-buds with the rest of my trimmings for hash.


I replaced the clones with the little sprouts.. I just couldn't sit by and see them fighting for life in those conditions. They are much happier now =]




Decided to pull out the sick girls (star & spirit)... easier said then done, since I had to cut the screen off of them strand by strand.




I did some major trimming... Everything dead and dieing had to go.. All mini-buds went to the hash stash.


I then took them to the sink to check out the roots... The H2o2 did a great job of dissolving most of dead roots... A simple rinse took care of the rest.. no need to trim =].. They had been sitting in water/h2o2 mix for a couple of days, changing the rez each day.


Here they are all bonzied up.. I put them back in the cab and lst'ed.. By the way.. I will be going LST all the way from now on... Scrog is neet, but LST is more practical in my cab space just cuz you are able to remove them from the cab with out having to worry about cutting them off the scrog. I gave them a light dose of nutes, though I'm thinking maybe I should have kept them on h2o2 a lil longer.



Wind and Esperansa are doing well...


The best DIY EZ walmart DWC CLONER for MICRO grows. Zen style
The BEST DIY EZ walmart carbon filter for MICRO grows Zen style
Micro ebb/flow (NOW DWC), all CFL ScrOG, perpetual Stealth locker

Wow... That sucks, but you did the right thing. If there is one thing I have noticed about growing pot, it's that the more meticulous the grower, the better the results. You live and you learn...

I honestly think that you may have saved them just in time. Impressive work (as always).

I'm gonna send you some good-weed-vibes. I owe you for what I have learned.

One question: How do we get into the cfl crew?

Damn weed... wrecked my memory..

The main reason I was gonna post was to address the ice cube issue. I've heard that it is good to give ice cubes to your plants while flowering on an irregular basis; not everyday, you gotta keep em guessin'. The theory is that plants create THC due to stress. We get high because the females get so stressed that they aren't reproducing that they dedicate that energy to THC production (or so I'm told). When you create more stress on the plant, they produce more THC. Ice water is a good temperature shock that is supposed to produce an abundance of large trics. I've also heard that it can induce purple coloring in some normally-not-purple strains, but don't quote me on that one.

Hey Wolf,

Sorry to hear things have taken a turn for the worst, but something tells me you and the girls will pull through.

I still follow this thread everyday and have learned a lot from it, thanks man
Wow good job man. H202 is that just regular hydrogen peroxide 3%? Or did you get it at the hydro store? Can you mix that with your nutes? on an every otherday feeding?
i just ran into this journal of yours and i'm really impressed with your setup and everything, i also enjoyed the DIY carbon filter. keep up the good work and i'll check back later to read the whole journal.
hi wolfman how are the plants doing?

i made a reflector with an exhaust for my 2 125w enviros. your diy has inspired me :bigjoint:.
and how exactly did that happen?
Pinched air hose and heat

Damn weed... wrecked my memory..

The main reason I was gonna post was to address the ice cube issue. I've heard that it is good to give ice cubes to your plants while flowering on an irregular basis; not everyday, you gotta keep em guessing'. The theory is that plants create THC due to stress. We get high because the females get so stressed that they aren't reproducing that they dedicate that energy to THC production (or so I'm told). When you create more stress on the plant, they produce more THC. Ice water is a good temperature shock that is supposed to produce an abundance of large trichs. I've also heard that it can induce purple coloring in some normally-not-purple strains, but don't quote me on that one.

Yes I have heard of the same things... also that heat on the buds is good... so ideally you want cold roots and hot buds... I guess... I have noticed that the buds close to the cfls (heat) are smaller but have more fatter trichs.. so there may be something to that.

Wow good job man. H202 is that just regular hydrogen peroxide 3%? Or did you get it at the hydro store? Can you mix that with your nutes? on an every other day feeding?
Yes I used store bought 3% h2o2. I used about a 3rd a quart per gallon for 3 days.

i just ran into this journal of yours and i'm really impressed with your setup and everything, i also enjoyed the DIY carbon filter. keep up the good work and i'll check back later to read the whole journal.
welcome aboard =]

Last night I took Wind and Esperansa out of the cab for some manicuring.. The dead leaves are leaves that were touching the cfl's... the rest of the plants are very healthy. I mostly want to trim off the dead leaves and any lower buds and shoots I see.


Trimmed off all dead matter and smaller lower shoots and buds. Since these were tied down lst'd (and some blingbling lst) they were easy to get out of the cab and work with.. I will stick to tie down LST from now on......

Now that's more like it =]



One of the lower buds I trimmed.. it wasn't going to do much since it was too low under the canopy to get any useful light..


Spirit and Star were not recovering well. I was going to chop them, but decided to give them one more chance outdoors. They are going to a friend's garden.. we will see how they do. The seedlings vegging away in the cloner will be moved up to take Spirit and Star's place in the flowering chamber. Mini Sog style (pics soon)

Now for some random canna-porn












And I want to apologise to those of those who I haven't posted on their threads.. things are hectic at work guys and don't have as much time as I used to. But I will sit back, relax and light a fat one for a nice evening of reading soon =]

R.C.C (Rollitup CFL Crew)
The best DIY EZ walmart DWC CLONER for MICRO grows. Zen style
The BEST DIY EZ walmart carbon filter for MICRO grows Zen style

Pinched air hose and heat

And I want to apologise to those of those who I haven't posted on their threads.. things are hectic at work guys and don't have as much time as I used to. But I will sit back, relax and light a fat one for a nice evening of reading soon =]

don't let it get you down. that's a lot of nice green foliage you have. they will recover
2 things I need to tell you.

1) Sick micro grow. You are a inspiration to guys like me trying to pull off a successful micro grow. Your plants are amazing. Looking very goood

2) You have some top flight photography equipment because your pictures look like something out of a biology text book with all the detail and clarity. Amazing pics.

Hey Bud,

Hope things are going well in the locker and at the shop, haven't "heard" from you in a bit just wanted to check in and make damn sure this thread doesn't "fall" to far back.. It needs to be up front so new growers and others alike can see it and use its incredible knowledge and pics as guidance and inspiration !!

Anyway, again I hope everything is well man :)
wuddup zen,

Just wanna say it sucks to hear that u had to pull spirit n ezperanza outta their homes. Fuckin sucks man, i hope everything works out for them.

As far as the pics go though - JESUS CHRIST those are some beautiful pics man!! impressive as shit, for sure. Just keep doin the good deed n i have no doubt that your gonna come outta this with some sticky shweet nuggets - the trichs are lookin fuckin BEAUTIFUL man - cant wait for my shit to get all fuzzy n sticky like that, lol.

take care man,


also - i got one girl so far, just so ya know!!!
And I want to apologise to those of those who I haven't posted on their threads.. things are hectic at work guys and don't have as much time as I used to. But I will sit back, relax and light a fat one for a nice evening of reading soon =]

Yea Wolfman, where you been? I'm gett'in my ass kicked all over the place..LOL. I hope everything turns out well