Micro-dosing Psilocybin

Microdosing is very beneficial. I recommend doing it over tripping on 3.5 grams of mushrooms.
For real. Trash that shit. No one needs that.

Please do not take ANY anti depressants with psychedelics AT ANY DOSAGE.
Thanks for the advice. I am on a few different antidepressants at the moment, that I definitely want to stop taking everyday.
I was thinking of cleaning my system out for a week, and trying low dose Psilocybin to see if I would feel OK, instead of relying on pharmaceuticals, which cost a fucking fortune I think I am going to give it a try.
I agree that over 3 grams could be very unpleasant experience, but say .25 of a gram in the morning sounds enticing.
It's worth a shot I figure.
Thanks for the advice. I am on a few different antidepressants at the moment, that I definitely want to stop taking everyday.
I was thinking of cleaning my system out for a week, and trying low dose Psilocybin to see if I would feel OK, instead of relying on pharmaceuticals, which cost a fucking fortune I think I am going to give it a try.
I agree that over 3 grams could be very unpleasant experience, but say .25 of a gram in the morning sounds enticing.
It's worth a shot I figure.
Look dude...

Please, When You are on antidepressants... DO NOT take any psychedelics, EVEN MICRODOSES.

I would clean Your system out for AT LEAST a month.
You could go fucking insane and never get out of it. PLEASE LISTEN TO ME.
Look dude...

Please, When You are on antidepressants... DO NOT take any psychedelics, EVEN MICRODOSES.

I would clean Your system out for AT LEAST a month.
You could go fucking insane and never get out of it. PLEASE LISTEN TO ME.
I thank you for your concern, it's appreciated.
Is that because I am using SSRI's as a medication?
I have read up on the subject, and it seems they (SSRI) inhibit the trip, meaning you will hardly feel a normal dose, but no data on schroom's hurting someone who is being treated for depression.
Or, do you just mean that my brain is already fucked, why do more damage? :)

Anyway, this is an interesting link that mentions depression and Psilocybin directly.

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@Jimdamick please don't use psychedelics with ssri in your system, yes they will probably inhibit the trip but I've seen people on anti depressants using psychedelics and it's not good for your brain. A friend of mine took her own life please please don't combine them.

I go through depression myself and although I've never used ssri's, I've seen them change my friends' personalities over the years and I'm not sure if they do any good at all.
@Jimdamick please don't use psychedelics with ssri in your system, yes they will probably inhibit the trip but I've seen people on anti depressants using psychedelics and it's not good for your brain. A friend of mine took her own life please please don't combine them.

I go through depression myself and although I've never used ssri's, I've seen them change my friends' personalities over the years and I'm not sure if they do any good at all.
I have been taking SSRI's for 30+ years, and am sick to death of them.
I plan on winding down anyway, to see if I can escape that burden of eating this shit everyday, to simply feel normal.
Being on anti's sucks, and I don't know if it is worth the hassle (lack of energy/sexual disfunction), but I am speaking as someone who is looking for an alternative to the existing approach to depression.
I want to cut my dosage anyway, to see what's it like to be "clean" again, and after a period of time, trip again.
I had never felt so connected to everything important until I tripped, and I miss that emotion.
You've tripped right? then you know what I mean.
I'm sick of manufactured chemicals to straighten my head out, why not try natural organics to sooth my soul.
So, this is my plan.
I am going to wind down the med's I am taking now, to see what's up, untill a month goes by.
By that time, if I feel I can't cope with the sobriety from the fucking meds that I take now, so be it, Ill continue my existing program..
But by that time my shrooms will be almost done, and I will decide to sell them all, or eat some in a therapeutical sense, by microdosing
I don't really want to talk to God (been there, done that), but I feel like I would like to "reconnect" by microdosing .Psilocybin.
Anyway, I haven't even gotten the spores yet, so there is a long way to go before I actually make up my mind.
I thank you for your advice, it is appreciated.
I've been on Zoloft in the past and it took away my emotions, leaving me feeling like a robot. P@xil, same thing. I also had the shakes, hand tremors.

Fuck that shit. It didn't solve my problems and just makes the symptoms. My problem was that my life wasn't going well at the time but the drugs did fuck all to help me address it.

I started doing things with my life that I wanted to do, that made a positive difference to me and those I care about and that approach made all the difference for me.

I know nothing of your situation, so I'm not suggesting that you do as I did just because- but I think the effort of introspection and self examination is always worthwhile. If it leads you to do the things that make you feel good about who you are and what you're doing while you're here then maybe you won't need a chemical crutch.

Any crutch. That said, self dosing with mushrooms is a very new development in the field and I feel strongly that you need to proceed with caution.

Just some food for thought from a guy who's been there.

Live well!
start small and work up a lil. I just tried for the first time and was nice def didn't smoke as much the days after did it for 2 weeks every other day I started at .3 end at .9.. would not drive on more than .6-8 tends to make your mind focus on your thoughts other than road. no visuals just things seemed more defined. I found 1.3 to be my visual threshold.
Read through these


I really enjoy microdosing mushrooms with LSD.

Mushrooms have a mad tolerance break and half life compared to LSD.
I can eat acid for days. While mushrooms will only let Me feel Their magic every 2-3 days.

I like taking 30-40 micrograms of LSD in the morning,
and then around mid afternoon and I take 0.4 - 0.6 grams of cubensis.
by night fall... things are extremely trippy.
I have a friend who wants to try a low dose of shrooms, but are currently taking lamictal, though not an ssri , is this still not recommended , I have seen threads of people who have tripped on it , and report no major difference

He has tripped prior to being on medication , but would rather try low dosing
I have a friend who wants to try a low dose of shrooms, but are currently taking lamictal, though not an ssri , is this still not recommended , I have seen threads of people who have tripped on it , and report no major difference

He has tripped prior to being on medication , but would rather try low dosing
I recommend going all natural

and only eating the mushrooms....
I personally don’t get micro dosing, when I feel the need to trip, I trip hard and never regret eating as much as I do ;)...I can’t speak on the ssri issue I have no clue...but I can say tripping, be it psylisybin lsd mescaline mdma, whatever, can help you understand to cause if your depression, but if it’s a chemical imbalance it will only be temporary relief I would think
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Who the fuck micro doses, absorb one gram of pan Cyan every five hours and stop being a bunch of wet girls blouses :-)
Anybody try this?

It seems very interesting, I think I am going to try it and trash my Zoloft
Zoloft?? No wonder you have something wrong with your mind. LMAO

I've tried massive dosing 14 grams in one sitting now that is fun.
Look dude...

Please, When You are on antidepressants... DO NOT take any psychedelics, EVEN MICRODOSES.

I would clean Your system out for AT LEAST a month.
You could go fucking insane and never get out of it. PLEASE LISTEN TO ME.
He's already insane, how much worse can he get?