Micro CFL Grow Box


Well-Known Member
looking really good my man ,

im a little jealous lol

just a little ,

my N.l should be done by the end of next month :)


Well-Known Member
Thank you all for the nice comments and yes a lot of work final count is 12 plants down from around 35. Today is the last day of week 7 12/12 and i have cloudy and amber colored trics on top colas and some cloudy on bottom nuggets. Im going to wait till about 75% amber on colas then im going to put them in a sealed box as they each get to 75% amber no light for 3 days then cut and hang upside down till almost dry then do the mason jar cure. Im hoping to get done within the next two weeks i need to work on my box and finish it cuz its not very stealth at the moment. Next grow will be LST for sure but im thinking about scrog but i have to figure out my lighting first. I guess im kinda just bored with how its setup and this grow because i know i can do a LOT better and make the box produce alot bigger and danker nuggets.


Just started reading, awesome grow so far cant wait to see the results, has given me alot of inspiration for the CFL grow I'm about to start!!


Well-Known Member
Just started reading, awesome grow so far cant wait to see the results, has given me alot of inspiration for the CFL grow I'm about to start!!
Glad to hear it buddy and if you ever want to shoot ideas back and forth feel free to PM me anytime. This grow was just to see if it would work out for me and i have to say im very happy with the results so far and cant wait to do 4 plants or less in the box because i believe i could grow a monsters and get a OZ or two per plant and up to a QP off of a single plant if i grow scrog. Attitude is having a baddass june promo spend like 40 dallors and get 9 free seeds so im going to place an order maybe and try my luck with store bought seeds but i might just do another run of these depends on how they smoke but they look amazing and grow very nice!


Well-Known Member
Hahahaha Yeah i will tell the wet and dry weight its not going to be much cuz they were cramped as all hell in the box just had way way to many growing next go around im going to keep it to 4 and under but i should get a OZ and the buds i harvested like a week and half ago made my eyes hurt and i couldn't stop laughing and it was a good hurt you know the super blazed feeling you got when ya started smoking yeah buddy:-) But this whole grow has been hell and a brain fuck with space so im just going to be glad when its over shit i almost want to whack them down NOW its driving me crazy.


Hey, i don't want to look like retard but i have to ask..do you do scrog at first few veg weeks, and then remove net, or what. i think i saw in one photo that there is net, and then same photo with no net..
P.S. sorry for bad english, it is not my born language so..


New Member
hey slim is cool dude so i know he wont mind helping u when he wakes up
and your english sound great to me
im slims friend and dont do scrog or lst but he can help u and his buddy goten to
keep it green bro

Hey, i don't want to look like retard but i have to ask..do you do scrog at first few veg weeks, and then remove net, or what. i think i saw in one photo that there is net, and then same photo with no net..
P.S. sorry for bad english, it is not my born language so..