MICHIganja WHITEwidow First MI Med Grow


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WELCOME OK here goes.

This is my first ever grow journal, my 3rd grow ever, my first one in a few years, My first time with hempy buckets.

Please do not expect properly formated paragraphs, spelling, or complete sentences...lol

I am a legal cardholder in Michigan with glacoma. I have had 3 failed caregiver so far the last 8 months I have been legal here so I am FINALLY doing my own grow. WE are allowed 12 plants in MI I am starting of with 5 generously started off for me by LITTLE TOMMY.

I have had them for a couple weeks now and they are adjusting well. I transplanted last week into approx 3-4 gallon pots 3/1 perlite vermiculite. The pots have one hole 2 in from the bottom of the pot. I am using GH flora nova nutrients. I let my city water set out 3 days then add 1 tsp per gall grow per gallon.

I have been getting some crispy and yellow leaves on some of my fan leaves. I am not overly concerned as the rest of the plants seem to be healthy. Some of the tips of these damaged leaves also are curling to the left. Is that a sign of anything? Please dont say they are democrats or something smart ...lol

They are under a 400w hps the temps are 80-83. Ph is fine checked solution and run off.


I will be flipping to 12/12 in the next day or two and was told by a friend to continue the veg nutes for two weeks then switch to bloom nutes. I have never read this before any input on that?

I will be getting a digital camera in a day or soo sorry for the crappy phone pics.

BTW the red pot is WW the others are the MICHIganja.

I will try to update this thread every 3-5 days till the end of the grow.




Active Member

Here are a couple pics of the damaged leaves. The guy I got the nutes and clones from has been using them for many grows with great success on the MICHIgANJA STRAIN. tHE LAST PIC IS OF the white widow THAT plant is SOOOO healthy !


Active Member
As you can plainly see I got my digital camera today ! Keep checkin in I plan on keeping this VERY up to date.


Active Member
of setup and clones

I also wanted to give a cost breakdown since I am on disability and doing this on a budget

400w HPS used with bulb $100
Perlite / vermiculite $ 50
Nutes $ donated $40 reg
PH meter $ 30 ebay
5 pots/trays dollar store $ 12.50
30x magnifier $ 10 ebay
$ 200 so far so good !

Little Tommy

Well-Known Member
Okay - it looks like you have the nutes a little hot so flush well with plain water and back off to 1/2 strength for a while. Secondly, I do the same thing. I don't switch over to flowering nutes until they start making flowers. This gives a little extra nitrogen so they don't yellow as fast during flowering. Those nutes are fine for soil as they are water soluble. Hempy is a type of modified hydro so even if the nutes were hydro specific, they would be fine. Congrats on not killing them yet. Have you tried your hand at cloning yet?


Active Member
.I flushed well as you suggested i will go 1/2 strength till 2 wed of the month(I get paid) then I think I am going to go with the nutes your using if you are still very impressed with them.
Yes I cloned a few days before I switched to flower. My other growing buddy came over and helped me. He either doest use or forgot to bring any cloning gel or powder. I forget which. He did bring me some cloning strength nutes with b1 I think already mixed up for them. I have never heard of cloning without a gel or powder. I guess wee shall see how they go.

I also tied them down a lil LST see how they go that way too



Active Member
Seen the first roots today on the clones. I took them on the 19th just cut and put into Rapid Rooters no rooting gel or anything . Its obviously took ALOT longer and I lost a few and a few still have not rooted. Also added some pics of the of girls 1 week into flower and a few days after the TIE DOWN ( LST ) .



Well-Known Member
^^^^ sure have! Ive seen what looked brown and completely shriveld, turn into beatuiful ladies! MI? Capitol City Baby!!! Subscribed!!


Well-Known Member
You are doing fantastic! Your plants look great! Subscribed +rep!

I have cloned with and without Cloning Gel, and it works either way. I have noticed that they root faster if you keep the Rapid Rooters moist and not overly wet. Keep the lid on with only a small crack for air exchange, it keeps them very humid. Do not spray the cuttings because you are feeding them through the leaves, as long as you keep the inside of the contianer wet/humid, the roots will search out for food/water. But once the roots are coming out the side of the Rapid Rooters, start giving them 1/4 strength nutes, and it is ok to leave the bottom of your clone container wet. This will also help the roots Not to dry out until transplant. You will immed start to see new veg growth once you add the nutes.

The yellowing leaves looks more like deficiencies than nute burn. But Little Tommy obviously knows this strain better than I. If running at 1/2 strength doesnt help, I would actually increase the nutes to 1.5 teaspoons of FloraNova. Keep in mind that the HPS light is yellowing the pics for my viewing, but to me they look like they are begging for more nutes.

:weed: MichiGanja? I Love the name! Can you tell us a little about the strain?


Active Member
Thanks for Stopping in FDitty00 , Moose , Tommy I was sure happy to see roots as I have started flowering. I will try to up the nutes on a plant of the Ganja the next watering and the widow since she likes them hot , and see how it does before I bump them all up since most of the plant is are pretty healthy just maybe 10 bad leaves on each. The widow she is dam near perfect !.



Active Member
MICHIganja is a indica dominate strain with a great flavor , long lasting good body stone , and make for a great night time medication. It Flowers in 8 weeks to the day. Any further info Tommy will have to provide.

+ rep to all that have helped me and subscribed ! Thanks


Active Member
You want a medical grower from the west opinion.I am a member of a medical marijana community here were growers in the state of oregon share grow methods.This topic was just brought up last week.I was unsure myself but trust these guys.They got me growing.They said give bloom nutes one week before you switch to 12/12.It a jump start.Do it how you want like I said thats 2 cents from the west coast.Oregon024

Little Tommy

Well-Known Member
MICHIganja is a indica dominate strain with a great flavor , long lasting good body stone , and make for a great night time medication. It Flowers in 8 weeks to the day. Any further info Tommy will have to provide.

+ rep to all that have helped me and subscribed ! Thanks
I couldn't have said it better myself. It is the best "Non Designer" genetics I have ever come across and you can set your watch by the finishing time! Very predictable. BTW, your widow looks fantastic.


Active Member
Ya since you like her Tom here is an update. The top down pic was about a week ago this pic is 5 min ago she is sooooo dang bushy! The first two pics are White Widow the two clones with red band are white widow. We are a week into flower. I took a few more clones today to replace the ones I lost.

.and heres inside this bush
