

Active Member
i dunno , but for that price just the ballast is a great deal!

Looks like ballast and bulb for that price.........WOW!


Well-Known Member
a guy in midland(saginaw bay midland) has them for 15 apiece i think he said he had forty of em


Well-Known Member
good to see ya cmt.

i agree with the smaller bulbs but they dont penetrate as deep, also i thought the EXACT same thing you linked about the fixtures


Well-Known Member
thanks, ive been lurkin..

yeah thats a very good point about the penetration..pros and cons for everything i guess. im sure those are proly the fixtures that dude is sellin...nothin i would like to grow with, i like to mount the bulbs horizontally. although for that price you could afford to hack one up and customize it..

dont know why but this just popped into my head...i wana start like a mini storage place, but instead of empty storage rental i would rent out the rooms to mmj patients/caregivers for their growing needs...fuck this weed is good...


Well-Known Member
Ferget the 400's.... Ok to clone with and maybe veg but nothen and I mean nothen beats a 1000hps. Cost of grow per watt will go way down as they reach all of the plant makeing no popcorn buds. 1000 watter will go down 3 feet where a 400 wont. You may get the tops but I get ALL of the plant. I run several 1kers and flat blast the snot out of them. Proof is in da pudding,,, just look at my atvar pic.... Ya wont get those with 400's.................................
This is one thing ya dont want to be cheap on. You'll get what ya pay for.........


Well-Known Member
i veg with 4 400W high bay lights that i "hacked up" wasn't too hard, basically just putting a cord on it and getting a reflector of some sort

i notice these lights on craigslist all the time and for the price it's a hell of a deal for a working light AND
they are EASY too convert too SWITCHABLE system by adding a switch and a capacitor and ingniter combo for HPS

there all the same man...
the ballast core (big heavy transformer) is nothing but a current limiting device.

the only difference between a MH ballast and a HPS ballast is the way the lamp starts. most MH lamps are probe start. this means they do not require an ignitor. HPS lamps are pulse start, they do require an ignitor.
the cap for a probe start lamp is different than the cap for a pulse start lamp, thats why there are two seperate cap's in the switchable ballast.
look closely at your switchable ballast. there is a wire, that comes off of the ballast core, and goes to the switch. at the switch, there will be 2 wires, one will go to the ignitor cap, the other goes to the cap. all this switch does is direct the current coming from the ballast core to either a) the MH cap, or b) the HPS cap and ignitor combo.... very simple design. the switch you need is called a form c switch, or also a SPDT (single pole, double throw) switch. so basically your going to need a 1000w ballast core, and its correctly matched hps cap and ignitor combo, a SPDT form C switch, a correctly sized 1000w MH cap, and some wire and a mogul base light socket to make it work. of course you should also grab a back board or enclosure to make it pretty when your done, but thats all in the eye of the beholder.


Well-Known Member
Ferget the 400's.... Ok to clone with and maybe veg but nothen and I mean nothen beats a 1000hps. Cost of grow per watt will go way down as they reach all of the plant makeing no popcorn buds. 1000 watter will go down 3 feet where a 400 wont. You may get the tops but I get ALL of the plant. I run several 1kers and flat blast the snot out of them. Proof is in da pudding,,, just look at my atvar pic.... Ya wont get those with 400's.................................
This is one thing ya dont want to be cheap on. You'll get what ya pay for.........
what did that plant weigh dry though? 1000 watter might throw these guys over the legal limit.

im pretty much screwed either way though...my house is old as fuck and needs about 1500 bucks worth of electrical upgrades before i can go bigger...


Well-Known Member
ummmm michigan coffee shop. holy shit check it out.


We are a private club dedicated to the MI. MMJ patients and caregivers, offering a "cafe" environment" with tables, coffee, pastries, WiFi, Sports TV, private lock boxes for our members, smokers worshiping supplies to gain enlightenment, and it's a good place to relax and meet friends.
We also have pastries and baked goods, and a beautiful service area.


Well-Known Member
Yep they be a popin up around the state. Have yet to hear of any getting raided so,,,, so far so good.Still to dam if'y for us to start but we got our eye all over this trust me. I'll wait till the 2 years are over and this law sticks. Dont want them using us as a reason to end the law or a reason to say," look it's out of controll already, we have to lock this down or we'll be just like Cali." Thats the part that makes me nervous as all hell. So far it's been going dam well without any crazy shit so we'll see I guess, we'll see..........
Only takes one and they'll use it against us. R/I had to amend there law to allow dispens and our law is the same as theres. We'll see I guess, we'll see.....


Well-Known Member
im quite shocked that we havent had any dispensary raids and such ...

makes me wonder whats up the LEO sleeve.