Michigan strawnana how much longer


Well-Known Member
Those look pretty close to me. I have 6 different strains and all of them have been varying by a week or two. I'm in Colorado so not quite as cool as Michigan, but I set my Harvest date for next Friday for all 6 of mine. My plants also showed first signs early August. Since you're in a colder climate and a bit farther north you may have a bit different season than me, but I imagine Denver is a bit warmer than Michigan, so if I'm harvesting next week I'd get on it if you're in Michigan. Just watch the weather!!


The bottom branches started to get powdery mildew from the rain we’ve been having and it’s just starting to spread so I’m taking it down today or giving it one more day before it starts to rain bad again on Sunday and the following week. Here’s pics of my grow their is white widow, blueberry, orange critical, white og and some mystery strains

