Michigan may be first to adopt roadside drug testing

Stoner Smurf

Active Member
Terry that sucks what happened to you, it really and truly does, and I am sorry. But how can you blame it on pot? You said the guy had pot and alcohol. We all know the adverse effects of alcohol on a person's ability to drive. Hmmm I just noticed depraved did all my work for me. Thank you sir, you saved me lots of time :) +Rep. Every scientific study on the subject has very similar results, stoned drivers don't cause more accidents plain and simple.


Active Member
When I'm sober I drive 7 to 10 over always because under ten doesn't effect insurance rates.
When I'm high I follow every single law. Except getting high:)
I'm an insurance agent in Michigan; if you get ticketed for any reason, your insurance will go up as soon as the company finds out. But when I'm sober, I go 4-6 mph over. When I'm stoned or have a drink our two, I go 2-3 mph over.


Well-Known Member
Terry that sucks what happened to you, it really and truly does, and I am sorry. But how can you blame it on pot? You said the guy had pot and alcohol. We all know the adverse effects of alcohol on a person's ability to drive. Hmmm I just noticed depraved did all my work for me. Thank you sir, you saved me lots of time :) +Rep. Every scientific study on the subject has very similar results, stoned drivers don't cause more accidents plain and simple.
I've been smoking pot for a long time, and have driven high many times.
Drank a lot in those same years too. I'd never drive drunk.
I had the same questions.
I want statistics on marijuana related traffic accidents that show the need to give cops the power.
I'm sorry if cause it'll make you safer doesn't cut it for me.
And the im testing you because you have red eyes is bullshit too.
How many years did it take to get medical marijuana passed, how long was information relayed to people
to get enough voters to finally pass it. How many stereotypes had to be knocked down?
Now a year after enacted, it's followed up by this? No, sorry, i aint giving up with a for your own
good on this one.
I want law makers to show me all the studies, and with the same passion they have still fighting against
more than 60% of the voters on the laws we just passed, where the epidemic is and why cops need this new power.