Liberals approve first saliva screening roadside test for marijuana

Don’t put to much money in that device the first time it goes to court it’s gonna go down faster then a kardashian at an naacp rally.

Doubt it. Worked out great for the BAC alcohol tester. This one will have a similar result.
Landlords is a whole different ballgame. I believe they should have the say as it is their property in the first place. Just like it is with pets and smoking.
I strongly disagree. The landlords (owner) are using the property to create a revenue stream, that is a commercial business IMO and having to clean or repair said property is called "THE COST OF DOING BUSINESS"

It is a gamble, like stocks, NOT A SURE THING. IF I was a landlord I would freely give consent to any person responsible enough to show me their grow is clean, safe and sound.
I strongly disagree. The landlords (owner) are using the property to create a revenue stream, that is a commercial business IMO and having to clean or repair said property is called "THE COST OF DOING BUSINESS"

It is a gamble, like stocks, NOT A SURE THING. IF I was a landlord I would freely give consent to any person responsible enough to show me their grow is clean, safe and sound.
don't like the business..:confused:..stay the fuck out of it....:idea:
cant have it both ways!:hump: