Michigan Legal!

The Lt.

I am not sure how many people here are from Michigan here. But if you are looking for legalization I would highly recommend the Mid Michigan Compassion Club. They are a great step if you do not know where to go. They are very helpful and knowagable with Michigan law.
Just a .02's worth
One thing that you can do is keep calling to see if they cashed your check or money order. If they have you are considered good to go...or so I am told.
One thing that you can do is keep calling to see if they cashed your check or money order. If they have you are considered good to go...or so I am told.


No. No thats not true. You are not legal with just your paperwork untill after 20 days from filing. Thats 20 days after they cashed your check or sign for your mailing from the post office.

Now under the AD part of our law your legal as soon as you get your doctor to sign your rec( even before as long as the case is pending). There realyl is no wait but if busted you'll have to go to court to show cause of use and then it gets tossed out. You'd still probally be out a fair amount of cash this way with lawyer fees but will atleast get it dropped under our AD part of the act.I run a compassion club in sw michigan so hit my links in my sig and read up on the law or whatever. All the info is on our clubsite in the drop downs and same for the mmma site.

Read and learn young grasshoppers so you know the right answers to questions like this. We here to help.......

exec dir
Berrien County Compassion Club
OK I was not sure. I was just going by what I was told. On a side not do I have to be a resident of the county compassion club I would like to join. And 2 is it a hard job to start a county compassion club. I know that there is a ton of interest in it. Just not one here in Ottawa Co.
I think early last month there was a case about some people in Kalamazoo that got busted but just didn't have there cards. Did you guys hear anything about that? Or any updates.
Right on, well it's definitely a struggle I wonder if any other states have such a long waiting period, and does anyone know when your a caregiver do you need a different card for each patient you have?
Right on, well it's definitely a struggle I wonder if any other states have such a long waiting period, and does anyone know when your a caregiver do you need a different card for each patient you have?

Yes separate cards for all

I got 6 weeks to go till mine is near ready suks bieng out. My last CG was the LEADER of a CC and he screwed me over. Not bashing CC's though most are good people just thought it was pretty ironic I went with him because of his title I thought I would get treated fairly. So it worked out for the best I guess because eventually I will be self sufficient.

+REP FOR THE LT. for stopping by my place. Sorry bout the caps like I am too lazy to retype ...lol.
Michigan medical reppin right here. Glad we got this passed look forward to the day when 25 states are med legal. That will really inspire some change in federal law hopefully.
Right on, well it's definitely a struggle I wonder if any other states have such a long waiting period, and does anyone know when your a caregiver do you need a different card for each patient you have?
you gotta sign a patient cg agreement. then the patient needs to sign then send the change form with ten bucks to uncle fucker. then the state will add your name to both of your cards.
heres links to all the paper work
OK I was not sure. I was just going by what I was told. On a side not do I have to be a resident of the county compassion club I would like to join. And 2 is it a hard job to start a county compassion club. I know that there is a ton of interest in it. Just not one here in Ottawa Co.

Ok sorry for the late reply. Wifes been sick so been at the hospital.
Anyways, no you dont have to be a res of the county to come to a cc meeting or to join there club. I have folks at my club from several counties.All clubs are run diffrent but dont know of any that would send ya packin.
Yeah and no on being hard to start a club.Just takes doing it is all and I'd be glad to help steer ya in the right direction. Feel free to pm me and we'll get the ball rollin.As for the mmma being run by whatever. All I can say to the is WHATEVER.MMMA has helped more folks with this new law then ANYONE has and being I know the folks that started it and was there me self we're not rollin in the duckets if ya know what I mean. Say what Ya will but it's been there for more folks then you sitting behind that keyboard bitchin.Dont bitch, get out of that chain and join us in keeping this law working and networking the whole state. Thats what the mmma has done.

Ok enough of that crap better things to work on. LT shoot me a pm or hit our club link in my signature and pm me there and I'll get ya the info on starting a club.Info is in the dropdown section of both my website and the mmma's.
Hey Kruzty, what are your compassion clubs typically like is it like an auditorium with a speaker?
Yep we keep to a agenda and update everyone on any new issues in the state and local issues, then do some raffle drawings for door prizes and after the club biz is down we take questions from the floor.After that, we close and the fun part of the meeting starts. The getting to know each other and networking. We don't allow meds at meetings nor clones seeds and such as the meetings are open to the public. We've been flat packing the house so had to get a bigger location.
We're now meeting at the Park Inn banquet room 4290 Red Arrow Hwy, Stevensville, Mi.Meetings are from 1 to 3pm the 2nd sat of each month. Come to a meeting,,, you'll be glad ya did.
Just wondering are the how hard is it to get mmj card in michigan right now.i have family up there and was thinking of moving up there. Getting a card would be a great plus