First Pic is of both my ladies inside their tractor supply dog kennel I bought and put around them last minute to get legal. Ive got the kennel staked to the ground and I put some wire mesh over the top.
On the left we have a feminized Dinafem California Hash Plant female in a 100 gallon smart pot filled with 50% supersoil and 50% FFOF. with FFOF as a base for the supersoil.
On the right, there is a beautiful regular sexed, Sensi Seeds Hash Plant female. She lives in a 100 gallon smart pot filled with 50% super soil and 50% Promix BX with some Dr Earth 5-5-5 added to give the promix soil a little bit of fertilizer. This plant has promix as the base to the super soil.
Both plants have the same amount of amendments in the super soil. I bought the nutrients off of ebay.

This is the sensi hash plant in supersoil with promix as the base soil
This is the Dinafem California Hash plant in super soil with FFOF as the base.
Both smart pots are on top of a pallet. I have a 5 gallon bucket nestled beside the plants with a couple small 1/16" holes drilled in the bottom to make watering easier for me. It takes a couple hours for the buckets to drip into the soil. These ladies are blowing up now that its warm outside. I hope my roof is tall enough.
Ill be covering the cage with plastic later in the season to try to keep the plants dry to prevent budrot.. I might be rigging up some kind of solar powered heater to keep the frost off if they don't finish early enough.