Michigan Growers Tell Your Plans for This Year

Damn, where is everyone?
I made it out to the garden last night after not seeing them for over two weeks. Some major growth happened while I was gone. My northern light blue is a good six feet tall now even after topping it the last time I was out.
My irainian g13s are only about 3-4 feet tall but there already about three weeks into flower and they look like there going to have some serious weight on them come harvest time. I'm really impressed with the irg13s so far.
Once upon a time, didn't someone in this thread say they have black russian genetics in seed form? I think it may have been Hic?
just a couple hairs here and there... still waiting also. Cant wait to count down my 10 weeks :)

I've been lurking in your thread. Looks like your gonna have a good harvest this year.
Don't underestimate the amount of work its gonna take to chop and trim all that shit. My 14 plants last year literally filled the back of my truck and took my entire garage to hang and dry.
I've been lurking in your thread. Looks like your gonna have a good harvest this year.
Don't underestimate the amount of work its gonna take to chop and trim all that shit. My 14 plants last year literally filled the back of my truck and took my entire garage to hang and dry.

Yeah im gonna chop individual branches and put each plant in a theyre own garbage bag, so i can see what i got per plant.
Thanks for stopping by, this is my second grow and it looks like its gonna be a nice one.. what did you average per plant? just curious. Is 12 ozs a plant a good guestimate? as long as flower goes well of course
oh, and im planning on renting a trimmer, the hydro store close to me rents they're trimmer for 75 a day.. seems worth it to me :)

It should speed up the process for you but don't expect an A-team manicure. You'll have to go through and tighten them up if you like a tight trim. At least for your personal stash right? lol
Yeah im gonna chop individual branches and put each plant in a theyre own garbage bag, so i can see what i got per plant.
Thanks for stopping by, this is my second grow and it looks like its gonna be a nice one.. what did you average per plant? just curious. Is 12 ozs a plant a good guestimate? as long as flower goes well of course

I couldn't tell you excactly what I yeilded because I had to dry and cure most of it untrimmed. All together it came out to somewhere between 8-9 pounds. Frost and bud mold nocked my yeild down a lot though.
I would like to invest in a trim machine but I can't decide if its worth it. Make sure to post how it works out for you.
It should speed up the process for you but don't expect an A-team manicure. You'll have to go through and tighten them up if you like a tight trim. At least for your personal stash right? lol

Do you know if the spinpro hand crank kind of trimmers work at all? There cheap on eBay
I have friends who use them.. but yeah your right, it leaves a little behind that i personally would want to go through and knock out. but most people wouldnt mind.
I have friends who use them.. but yeah your right, it leaves a little behind that i personally would want to go through and knock out. but most people wouldnt mind.

It is what it is. Its Michigan outdoor. I find that most people can't trim for shit anyways lol. I think with outdoor you sort of expect some extra foliage and "gaminess" to the bud. Weigh heavy and they can tighten it up themselves! Now what about that Black Russian!?!?
The choppers are flying in northern Michigan today. Suprising considering the rain but there's no doubt that's what there up to. I've seen two flying a grid real low and slow today. One went right over my house.
If its anything like last year they should be on the news tomorrow or Saturday bragging about there busts.
I'm sick to my stomach with stress right now.
let me know if anyone hears anything about kalamazoo

Basically, if you have a greenhouse that meets legal requirements, expect a call or a visit. The greenhouses built to state requirements are impossible to miss overhead. "Look, a greenhouse with a fence around it, I wonder what they're growing." I have a friend that got a call last year but not yet as of this year. Choppers spotted him, county law enforcement called him and asked to see it. He opened his doors and showed them around, they counted plants etc. He had one patient at the time and was allowed 24 plants. He had (12) 10 foot trees in his greenhouse and he's only allowed to possess 5 ounces of usable plant material lol. I was surprised he didn't get another visit later in the year at harvest haha.

Good luck and safe harvesting peeps!
well mines not legal, nor in a greenhouse.. or even on my property. So if they are spotted they will probably be chopped.. i dont think they would wait around for a 20 plants..
Hey guys got to se the girls this wweek only have 8 out of 16 that made it through
the drought and deer this season
its my fault since I didn't get up to water

2 years ago I made a fan trimmer
it worked ok but made one hell of a mess
and as the other guys said the trim is not as good
as a hand job but to get a jump on the job it works then go
back and touch it up
stay safe boys
happy growing