Michigan Growers Tell Your Plans for This Year


Well-Known Member
I am not pleased with the weather either.

GD have you been up to water your girls? 1 of them jammy cm f-2's I started is gonna be jammy. I can tell by the structure of the plant and the smell. The structure is what gives it away. Grows slender and not branchy in veg, in pre-flower the top of the plant spreads like a bad disease... got 1 outta 3 seeds plants in the jammy f-2 to be jammy. I cannot wait to run these in the future. I ran the skunky afgani f-2 seeds and found that onion skunk. I wonder what I will find if I run 12 female jammy cm f-2's? I will see when it's time I guess.


Well-Known Member

I ♥ HIC.



Well-Known Member
The greenhouse is looking beautiful hic. Good thing you built it tall. How big is that, 10-12 ft? You are going to have some monsters.

Nice to see some plants budding. Four out of six of mine are flowering too.


Well-Known Member
Well firelane that greenhouse is a prototype a first draft if you will. Next years gh will be what I want, thing is for what I want I have to go threw a variance process to get that legit. I did not know that I could only build the gh in the back yard when I was ready. I wanted to build it out in the front field but the law reads I cannot without a variance from the township. I could not get a variance in time for this years grow so I threw up a usable prototype for this year.

I am sure next year my wife will grow something in it but as for me it's purpose will end with the last plant of this year. I am glad I built it at 12.5 foot but I learned with the prototype I want and am going to need at least 14 feet tall with the next gh. In next years gh the girls will be put in the ground

oh yea rzza qwubble is a coming to a paper near me real soon. The 2 qwubble stems have diffrent odors. So I will have a choice in a pheno!


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One of the AO's. This one is very sticky and leads towards JTR. I also have a AO that smells like all of a tangerine. I have 4 AO's this year.

For the record bugs seem to really like the AO's that lean towards the orange skunk much more then the jtr phenos.


Well-Known Member
I have 24 in the GH.

I also have which I did not mention of... 2 of agent orange so I got 6 of them total. I kept a male that lead of both one that reeks of tangerine and one that leads towards jtr "that jtr male is sticky"

I have 2 vortex males, I have 2 herijuana males. I kept a herijuana and a vortex male that I think are what I want in the GH. I have the AO males and others out in the world.

I really cannot wait to put herijuana pollen on a the vortex ladies.

Helis are out HARD today. I have seen them myself flying to the north and to the west. To the big state land I am sure after they saw the pics of that herijuana I posted.

Glad we could help you get your mind right whit26.


Well-Known Member
Cataract Kush and Confidential Cheese are both flowering. They aren't quite as far along as your Herijuana, but they are definitely flowering.

My plants in the greenhouse have already reached the ceiling. I don't know whats going to happen to them, but I am definitely learning some stuff for next year. Also, since I can only water them on the weekends, and they are in 20 gallon pots, by the time I get up to water them, they are near dead from being so dry. This week is going to be a good test for them, I think if they can make it through this heat, they will make it to the end. The other thing I'm nervous about after reading other greenhouse grows is humidity. I have an exhaust fan, but I'm not sure if it will be enough. If you end up with a lot of humidity in yours, you can prob just take some side panels off to get the air flowing. Do you have ventilation in there? It is definitely something to consider for the fall.


Well-Known Member
I have 4 fans a window with fence over it and when it is hot I pull one of the roof panels to the side a couple feet.

I have my ladies in 20 gallons as well and I do not know if mine would survive a week without water? in this heat no way.

They may make it if your medium was rather thick. Pro and con to airy soil is it does not hold the water as well as a thick soil base. I used about half RC1 mix and half black dirt full of worms.


Well-Known Member
Nice, you are set for ventilation. I used smart pots and they dry out quicker, but are supposed to stay a little cooler in the heat. I am using Promix, so it isn't thick and drys out quickly. All things to consider for next year. They have to make it from Sunday to Friday every week with no water. Next week I have a family member watering them on Wednesday, so that will help, but that is a one time thing. I hope they make it through this week. I also worry that later in flower they will be very thirsty by mid week. This was a sample run for my greenhouse, so when I rebuild it I'll know what I need and have a good idea how to make the best use of it. Sounds like you are doing the same.


Well-Known Member
Yup sounds like we are both doing the same shit. You know they say great minds think alike.lol Thanks for the intel on them strains that are flowering already here in MI. Even if I never grow em I will always be a ble to help steer a bro strait.

Yea Rach, did you say something about a harvest party? I want to have it around august 25th. That way I know vortex and the sativa leaners will be done.