Michigan Growers Tell Your Plans for This Year


Well-Known Member
KB I will let you in on a little secret thus saving you time.

Imagine this- you start 10 vortex seeds, you get 5 females and 4 males "lets say"

you "spot" pollinate every female with the 2 stand out males. in certain areas of the plant.

you sample the finished product

you choose which seeds to grow- thus keeping in mind which male looked like the keeper mom.

then you know which clone to keep, "which you cut 4"

you keep that mom around for a year or two backcrosing your F-generation seeds.

a stable strain can be accomplished without starting a hundred half ass seedlings.

this method will save you time and is as efficiant as working with thousands... now if I was a big time breeder I would have to come up with original strains...I however bow down to no one, and go my no code unlike the world renown breeders. This is were their pride and legal issues get in there way..For instance, You will never see Mr.Nice take a BW and a TGA Vortex and combine them... You will not see a Barnys Farm ST be bred with a DJ Short BB... unless someone like me does it!, I am not bound by anything that goes on in a major breeders organization their laws, their pride, and their patents do not apply to me. that is my reality


Well-Known Member
Oh I know the short route bro belive me and myself I have crossed others hear with each other my only point is this is not a new strain it's a hybrid. That was my only point a strain is like a breed of dog you can mix to diff dogs together but really you'll end up with dogs that resemble the mom or the dad. After years of selective breeding and generations of genes being bred out do you get the solid plant that when bred only creates that plant or dog in this story lol.

There is easy ways of crossing plants and BXing to get a stable enough plant to slap a name on and sell so long as you have good solid genetics. But for what I want to do and where I want to go with my breeding I won't find those at attitude. I also damn sure will not be like arjian and buy seed stock grow it, tweak it, and call it my own. Same with dinafem and many other "seed seller" breeders. TGA, serious seeds, mr.nice these rather are ppl I'd more associate with tho in our days most of the landrace genetics are picked over and it's almost impossible to release a hybrid that isn't already in part out there this is why serious has 10 strains that haven't changed in 20 yrs.

Honestly anyone can breed and grow dope you just have to dail it in and be in the right circles to get some amazing shit to happen

I'm not knocking hard working breeders either but most new comers like Cali connec most of their strains are an already legend clone that they BX'd with San fernado valley kush male (which is a BX'd clone also) so reLly they didn't even create most there strains.

But I do say I won't hesitate to buy there seed version Larry/tahoe OG kushes and use the males for breeding projects. But if I plan to run a successful seed company best belive I'm traveling the world for landraces to bring something new to the table.


Well-Known Member
well I'll fly over there with ya KB you just gotta give me a months notice. While I am over in that part of the world I would not mind stopping in africa to dig up some of those diamonds! let's go. you go gather the seeds and I will dig for diamond till your return.

I am ready to go. KB, momma can watch the seedlings till I get back!.


Well-Known Member
View attachment 1321762

well boys there are the ferts I will be adding together for my veg period, I may also just use these for flower "we willl see". It is simple mix the ferts according to plant age.

my first feeding will be when thet need watered again "tuesday" I will put a .5 tablespoon fish emulsion, .5 tablespoon grow big, and an eigth cup olivial cloning solution in a gallon an a half water " I want a weak first feeding".. this will indeed will please the plants more so that running the shit strait "self proven from before".

The ratio to fertilizer to fertilizer will change with the plant life as I said so the first feeding will not be the same as the 5th..


Well-Known Member
the more fish emulshion i add, the further my wife stays away from my girls! lol.. thus the main objective is complete "keeping her outta my stuff" for $10.


Active Member
wow reading this makes me want to do sum crazy shit, my resources fer this stuff arent existant be cause like most northen michigan people u cant trust them. i dont have indoor space or the money but i got the great outdoors and that all we outdoor growers need to make shit happen! im deffinantly following this now


Well-Known Member
I kno these redic temps are terrible. I'm hoping it doesn't effect my seeds which should be here tomar I've been getting up early and waiting on the mail man so they aren't freezing in the mailbox.

I'll remember that hic I'm going for sure maybe after this years outdoor run ;).

I got a question guys what do you think will yeild more a scrog grow with 4 plants and 2 separate 2.5x5 screens(25sq ft) or 5 bushes? All will be vegged the same time about 2 months, all under 600w light in soil. Typical scrog in soil is supposed to yeild 1 oz per sq ft which would be 25 oz. Bushes I'd guess maybe 3-4 oz per. So maybe that answers my question lol

Any insight? I'm doing a perpetual grow and keeping 1-2 moms and staying legal. Don't shit where I eat you know. Going big is for outdoors away from home.

Also anyone here have a good hook on real grand daddy purple, or urkle clones? I need a good purple pheno.

Green Dave

Well-Known Member
Urkel x Purple Qurkel (Male)
This maybe as close as you wil get to orig. seed
Good luck with finding a urkle


Well-Known Member
purple wreck also uses purple urkel. but im pretty sure KB isnt interested in that, he's lookin for original cuts. ill keep ya in mind if i ever find anything good KB. im also trying to create a strain correctly like you.


Well-Known Member
BTW Th Seeds has a Purple Urkel listed for sale.Dunno if that will fit the bill I hear there gentics are good never grown any of there gear though,Good luck.