Kloset, I really like your point of view on the whole Marijuana laws and nonsense. I too am very passionate about Marijuana, to the point where i'll risk my relationship with my girlfriend and family to prove to them that marijuana is a medicine, and that not only 'burn-outs' smoke. I smoke because I have a legit nerve pain in my left foot, and the smoke more or less distracts me from the pain, and makes it more tolerable. I am currently only twenty and cannot grow for patients yet! I'm studying under Rzza now, who is my caregiver. It is truly luck that we found eachother, and we did it over RIU! So rep to RIU lol, but basically what i'm ranting about is, I want to do what you were saying, I want to be that guy with my middle finger in the air!! Marijuana is my passion, and I am willing to do anything and everything to show society that it is a harmless drug, if you even can classify it as that.
So what do I have to do, to be on your level?