Michigan Growers Tell Your Plans for This Year


Glassblowing Moderator
they are pictures of me... some guy already posted a picture of me earlier to prove it.. I ain't sayin I'm good lookin either. I don't know what else to do for ya buddy. I hope you get over it. I don't like enemies. What happen to drinkin tea and burnin one? I don't even need to prove myself to anyone. I don't know why I'm even bothering with it.


Well-Known Member
dank I am done..still had more in my system from earlier.. I have come to realize that I will never meet you so I won't get to knock your teeth out..so therefore it is now an investment with no return..

You are free of my shit..dank

cool pic- cmt. I had a few CM seedlings do that to me this summer..I kinda thought it was the MG soil?


Well-Known Member
just a tip...you probably shouldnt post your illegal grow along with a picture of your face and where you live on here...


Glassblowing Moderator
I'm making a journal of my next one so stay tuned and spend the 200 bucks on a super blue. This is my fifth harvest. I also went to hydro college in lansing with danny trevino as the teacher. Its a good class. Great results for only 5 under my belt. I'm proud of it not arrogant.


Well-Known Member
cool pic- cmt. I had a few CM seedlings do that to me this summer..I kinda thought it was the MG soil?
thanks, i was pretty shocked by it, never saw anything like that before. i use MG too. it seems to be quite common in a couple tga strains, i searched it and quite a few posts came up with twin seedlings and main shoots. not sure about the CM though...soil wouldnt cause it...its a chromosome anomaly.

my bad dank...didnt realize you were legal.


Well-Known Member
ahh.. so I would think plants with this chromosone would have potential to be better yeilders. Then plants without this chromosone. Would it be correct in thinking like that?


Well-Known Member
you're asking the wrong man, thats a little over my head. i dont think it would effect yield...but ive been wrong before.


Well-Known Member
Its like the plant is topped without being cut it seems like. I've had a couple of plants that did that, but not that young, so maybe something different. I had one plant that had three branches at every internode, thats a triploid right?

Do you really understand that definition rzza? that is the one I found when I googled it


Well-Known Member
I almost have think that if that gene were constantly being back crossed and finally made dominant with its self it would almost have to increase yeild on plants it were to breed with?


Well-Known Member
I don't need friends that bad... you guys are not the kind of people I would trust to talk to. You take lyrics and turn them into obnoxious paragraphs and take up a whole forum dogging me for shit you don't know what ur talking about. And I'm not threatning. I already did it. I wanted to make sure he doesn't go into my store. I don't need people like you to cause stress over nothing.

Live life love
Fuck off these boys are almost family get the fuck out if your gonna cry. Nobody invited you and we could care less for ur ad, glass, or hype

Fuck your life-

And p.s. Hydroworld and Danny is shit and he can teach you shit technique all day long. That wasn't a "college" so don't cheat yourself their. I wouldn't walk in their if the shit was free.

Learn to sift the bullshit and pay attention to who your talking to before you try to impress ppl. Show some respect to some of the best growers and soon to be breeders in Michigan.
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Well-Known Member
Its like the plant is topped without being cut it seems like. I've had a couple of plants that did that, but not that young, so maybe something different. I had one plant that had three branches at every internode, thats a triploid right?

Do you really understand that definition rzza? that is the one I found when I googled it
Your right about the tripliod three branches at each node. Poly is 2, from what I gather tho the plants seem to be a mutation and weaker genetically as well as lacking in the yeild department b/c of it being a genetic mutation.

The pictures don't look like a polyploid as much as a mutation. It could also just be a bad seed and mutated while the seed was being created this can happen when the mom is being stressed into a male for fem seeds. I'm sure if your not looking to breed with it, you wouldn't ever notice any difference in it. But I wouldn't use a mutant for a program unless it was like a freak yeilder or potency hit new heights.

How's things going on ur side hic? I'm hate'n my room now fucker is packed full I don't have enough room! I got 6 rows of 4 five gallon buckets they badly fit into my 5x8 rooms. The lady at the depot looked at me like I was crazy spending 100$ on 48 buckets lol

Green Dave

Well-Known Member
feel your pain KB my closets are fuul had to put my LED in a temp cabnit until I harvest a few from the main cab or really until I can move outside ( but that wont be any time soon)
Ya have to wonder what the peeps at Home depote and lowes think about all of us that buy things like 5 gal bukets and the rest of the things you can get there


Well-Known Member
Well fuck this thread took a wrong turn some ware down the line.....I for one am a bit pissed at all the Jerry Springer shit goin down life is to short for that...


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the good info KB. Can't wait to sit and burn and just sit with ya! I feel both you guys about being "overgrown" Feels like I am getting my ass kicked by these BBS and CM and all the others for that matter.

Wish they would step outside in my world for a minute " outdoors" LOL. they would not have a chance.."the plants".

I hear ya delstele I won't even watch that jerry springer or that wilkos crap...its not stimulating to say the least


Well-Known Member
Your right about the tripliod three branches at each node. Poly is 2, from what I gather tho the plants seem to be a mutation and weaker genetically as well as lacking in the yeild department b/c of it being a genetic mutation.

The pictures don't look like a polyploid as much as a mutation. It could also just be a bad seed and mutated while the seed was being created this can happen when the mom is being stressed into a male for fem seeds. I'm sure if your not looking to breed with it, you wouldn't ever notice any difference in it. But I wouldn't use a mutant for a program unless it was like a freak yeilder or potency hit new heights.

How's things going on ur side hic? I'm hate'n my room now fucker is packed full I don't have enough room! I got 6 rows of 4 five gallon buckets they badly fit into my 5x8 rooms. The lady at the depot looked at me like I was crazy spending 100$ on 48 buckets lol
you got a good deal. i paid over 200 for 48 (4 gallon) circle pots. then again i went to sunnyside which is quite expensive.

they also didnt fit in my car LOL.