Michigan Growers Tell Your Plans for This Year

Green Dave

Well-Known Member
I to have a order that they said was shipped on Feb2 and still nothing
hope they get here so I can be ready for spring planting


Well-Known Member
spring is just around the corner.. cant wait. hurry the fuck up. sic of bein stuck in this dam housetrailer. at least its been a descent winter. i got a bit paranoid last year so i wont be growing outside this year. good luck to u all.


Thats good to know that your order was said to have shipped the same day as mine. Hopefully someone in the postal service didn't take both of our orders. I was doing some reading about sannies and read that lately a lot of orders from him were having a hard time reaching the US. Im hopeing that maybe they are just taking a little while longer because maybe he didn't actually ship them on the 2nd like he said. All we can do is wait and see what happens.


Well-Known Member
You'll get them, Sannie takes care of packaging. Even included a nice bonus with my order. I ordered Jan 30 and received today, so look out for your delivery perhaps tomorrow :D


Thanks hammerhead and shwagbag I hope they get here today or monday. I really need to start growing something I haven't smoked in over 2 months.


Same here Green Dave. Nothing today in the mailbox except more medical bills! I put the bills in a "pay with october harvest pile" on my corner of my desk. Like you said hopefully tuesday for seeds.


Well-Known Member
My move is almost complete! I am about an hour north of were I used to be. Seedlings have been started and mommies are about to get cloned for the summer... Will have 20 - 24 plants done in july. They rest will be done when they are done.

spring fling is requested..


Well-Known Member
420 - the beans in the glass beads are CM's Onion Skunk "female" x Black Widow"indica male". The beans in the smaller beads are a mix of outdoor from 2010... Critical Mass f-2, Critical Trainwreck, Sweet Tooth f-2, Sweet Tooth x CM, CM x Mandala 1.