Michigan Growers Tell Your Plans for This Year


Well-Known Member
None in today, When I got to the particular spot, I had dug holes and replaced dirt The texture was MUD. That spot is awsome it is just that the water table is too high right now for that spot.
Anyone else ever run into this problem? After seeing my soil so mud like I don't even think I will consider planting there till june1. What do you guys think?
Oh and my soil it almost perfect and airy enough, It's the water table making the water stay!


Well-Known Member
use a 5 gallon bucket
na no 5gallon buckets for me, maybe 12gallons. The spot is good,just with that hellashis rain we had..... I am pretty sure as time goes on that will be less likely to happen again,although I am still waiting for michiganders to chime in with there opinions on the whole water table issue.


Well-Known Member
None in today, When I got to the particular spot, I had dug holes and replaced dirt The texture was MUD. That spot is awsome it is just that the water table is too high right now for that spot.
Anyone else ever run into this problem? After seeing my soil so mud like I don't even think I will consider planting there till june1. What do you guys think?
Oh and my soil it almost perfect and airy enough, It's the water table making the water stay!
I would say that the water table will probably lower as we move into warmer temps. The spring thaw puts alot of water into the ground, along with the spring showers. I am no expert on this though, just giving my opinion. Check out this link http://www.iwr.msu.edu/edmodule/water/cycle.htm


Well-Known Member
I would say that the water table will probably lower as we move into warmer temps. The spring thaw puts alot of water into the ground, along with the spring showers. I am no expert on this though, just giving my opinion. Check out this link http://www.iwr.msu.edu/edmodule/water/cycle.htm
thanks for the link pothead32 it was a good read.As for your opinion on the water table,I agree and am hopefull. Anyhow finally got out there and planted trainwreck and a few others today! Nice day today.

Green Dave

Well-Known Member
Well Guys I did it ,I put 22 plants out last night.
Guess what lite frost hope they are OK but couldnt wait any longer as have other things to do.
They forcast looks like the temps are on the upward trend so finger crossed
Now I have to wait AGAIN for the harvest
Good luck to everyone putting there girls out

Green Dave

Well-Known Member
Well having the girls outside gives me room to try to get these damn spdermites killed at last
Does anyone know if moving them outside will get rid of them can mother nature get rid of them with all her other bugs ect.
I posted under bugs 34 veiws and no help
Thanks Guys and girls for all your input


Well-Known Member
Yea wind and rain should keep em away completly! I personaly have never had a spidermite problem outdoors just indoors

Green Dave

Well-Known Member
Got them in my indoor cab from a clone from a friend ( no more clones from friends)
been fighting them for 6 months but with 22 plants vegging to go outside I couldnt kill all the little basterds
I have been hitting them with doktor doom but some how they always seem to pull through (they are tough little F*%&ers)
Hopeing maybe some outdoor bugs kick there ass and leave my girls alone

Green Dave

Well-Known Member
those guys are the Rambo of problem bugs
or the eveready bunny just keep on ticking
Hope she has a little something something for them


Well-Known Member
Well I got 6 in the ground this morning! I think I've got about 12 more. I'll be done planting by the end of the weekend. I can't wait to try out that sweet tooth!
i got a seedling almost 2 weeks old. gonna move that girl out this week hopefully. the weathers starting to be blazing. been waiting for months now. i guess growing season is finally here!! good luck all


Well-Known Member
Going to be putting mine out Memorial day weekend. I'll snap some pics when they are in there new home...


Well-Known Member
Well so far I have lost 1 plant to a groundhog, I trapped the groundhog and replaced a plant. Other than that things are well. I will also say this again " man those mandala seeds want to grow!"