Michigan Growers Tell Your Plans for This Year


Well-Known Member
God Dam 7-500 clam's a zip that's fucking insane!

GD thanks for starting this thread bro I have met a lot of good peeps from Michigan here..Cheers!


Well-Known Member
Ahh yes ths one hit wonder but there is always this rule of life.. One mans one hitter quiter is anothers hash material.. Some like pepsi some like coke. No matter how hard you try you will not convince a pepsi drinker that coke is better. The one hitter quiter lies in the eyes of the beholder.

Here is a prime example = I would rather smoke BBS then I would Sour D. Now a lover of Sour D which there are many would call me a moron. SourD is many peoples cup of tea but not mine. So his 2-hitter quiter super green dope sourD is not my 2 hitter quiter.

As a matter of fact I have only had 2 hitter once - it was grown outdoors, bright green and fluffy, Really hit them lungs with a tiny hit "serious expando", tasted kinda piney, and truley all power. Have not seen it in 10 years at least. If I could go back in time I would follow the trail to the grower and tell him about what I have seen in the future and about the power of his weed compared to 2011 weed, and yea ask for some beans


Well-Known Member
hic I'm working on getting some of that old school piney Michigan gear I know an old grower from the Alpena area that I'm sure is still running that gear.


Well-Known Member
Thats just it too delstele, I could not find it again even in all my travels I had no name to work with. All I have is a few small photographic memories of the strains looks but even to this day I can remember what is was like smoking it - Now the memories I have of this smoke are rare for me because all the other memories from all the other puffs were lost in memory land do to them being nothing as special as that one.

Anytime of day delstele I will work with ya if you can get something like that in seed or clone form. That may be the only weed that I like better then my own creations.


Well-Known Member
I should know more soon very soon bro.. We call'ed it Thunder Bay cuz it was grown up in the Thunder Bay area..Ahhh the good old daze...LOL


Well-Known Member
Do any one of you know why the good old days are gone? I will tell you. Our technology advanced sooo much that the dumb ones were able to survive threw the winters - Thus this continued for generations. And the dumb ones with all there dumb ideas were able to multiply. Now we have driver responsibility fees and marijuana is illigal. - dark but true humor

Mary I Wanna

Active Member
Gosh darn I had no idea you guys would be so helpfull. The "real" people are the ones that set MI apart from some of the the places I have seen. It seems as though threw the thread fellowship is an option?

Thanks Boys of Michigan. I am astonished at the level of kindness. I wish you all the best in life. One act of kindness gets farther with me then money or seeds
Hic, Those are my feelings exactly. Our country is in bad shape because people dont help people anymore. Back in the old days neighbors had to help each other in order to survive. Now days when you ask somebody for help, the first thing out of their mouth is "whats in it for me." We've become a greedy and self centered culture. Instead of helping people, we are more worried about how much money we can make off of people. Personally I could care less about money. I'd rather help people and struggle to make ends meet. Instead of taking money for good deeds. It's called Karma, you always reap what you sow. Every summer I donate my time and my crews time. To replace the roof on atleast one needy church memebers house. Last year we did three, their gratitude and appreciation is more satisying then any amount of money they could ever pay me..

Green Dave

Well-Known Member
Agreed I volunteer 200 hours plus to charity every year , raised my son and daughter to do the same .
One summer years ago my son asked why I do this and I told him if everyone did a little bit to help someone else then no one would need
Great bunch of peeps here I am glad to be a part of this thread
I disagree, I plan everything around myself and my family and noone else. I keep my head below radar and go unnoticed and thats how I like it. Am I selfish?, ya maybe. But ask for nothing and you will never be disappointed. If we all learned how to fend for ourselves we wouldnt need others help.

Live within your means!!

:Flame On:


Well-Known Member
Since everyone is feeling good...... How about a good question. Should I use the same nutes I use indoors for my outdoor grow?? If not what are you all using.

Detroit J420

Well-Known Member
One hitter quitter in the eye of the beholder only soo true ill be smoken some say 3 dollar a zip shit a week then get some 5 dollar a zip shit and will last me probably 2 weeks but after another week or 2 tolerance goes up 5 dollar shit goes in a week now to i try cross medicating indica sativa i dunnu just like the sativa during the day man its all about tolerence

Detroit J420

Well-Known Member
One time when i hit master kush with a uvb zoo lamp for 2 weeks when harvested it was the strongest fucken weed i ever smoked i once blazed a whole one on the way to work i was tottaly incoherent and just wasted but it wasnt so much a pleasent just a fucken not funtioning high that i loved to blaze at the very end of the day when all my other weed just.didnt have the kick so i dunnu was just to fucken strong in some ways you couldnt hide that you were high

Detroit J420

Well-Known Member
I tried the uvb lamp on PPP changed the high made it stronger but it didnt have the incoherent three hr wake and bake high like masterkush did i only like it if it was night time and i didnt have to do shiit


Well-Known Member
Sativa's are for the day time when you have to get shit done, and indica's are for laying around being baked. I personally like indicas over sativas because sometimes sativa's make my brain move too fast and I feel anxious, paranoid, and sped up. It basically gives me ADD. I smoke to chill out and relax, so indica is perfect for me. I do think there are times when I'd prefer a sativa, but rarely.


Well-Known Member
PPP gives me an energetic social buzz. I really like it, one of my favorite strains. I can share part of a J with a friend and not be stupid from it. Personally I'm too busy to smoke weed and lay around, so I prefer sativas. Just don't prefer the wait for them! lol