Michigan 1st time guerrilla grow.


Here are some pictures of my first guerrilla grow ever. The plants are mainly white widow, g13, and skunk. I am in the thumb area. When should I harvest? Why are my plants turning yellow on the lower branches? Please help a newbie!


Well-Known Member
Go get some liquid Copper and mix it up at 2 and half ounces per gallon and spray the fuck out of them girls after removing all the effected leaves. This will help. Don't spray at least two weeks before harvest. Now people are going to say add more nutes and your PH is off but trust me the Liquid Copper will help you out.

Guerrilla for life....tristynhawk


Well-Known Member
The plants will natually suck the nutes out of the lowe fan leaves, they are kinda like "batteries", your plants look good.


Well-Known Member
This time of year your plants should still be nice and healthy not dying, The Liquid Copper is made by Bonide.


Liquid Copper sounds good, today I sprayed with "Dark Energy" mixed with "bush master", and a sticky solution. TristynHawk: I should spray 2 times a week?


Active Member
Go get some liquid Copper and mix it up at 2 and half ounces per gallon and spray the fuck out of them girls after removing all the effected leaves. This will help. Don't spray at least two weeks before harvest. Now people are going to say add more nutes and your PH is off but trust me the Liquid Copper will help you out.
I've seen you repeatedly suggest liquid copper...

I'm going to suggest Greencure - the active ingredient is organic-friendly potassium bicarbonate, and it's safe to use up to day of harvest (although I wouldn't). From what I hear, it takes one application a week, for 2-3 weeks, to completely control the situation. I haven't personally used liquid copper, but it seems pretty harsh. If somehow some of that was found on your finished product, I wouldn't feel safe inhaling copper.

Although it's hard to diagnose, I think you have the same minor fungal infection I have currently (black spot). I'm going this week to get some greencure. A close up of one of the yellowing fan leaves would help clear it up. Trist is right, it's yellowing a little too much, too early.

As far as harvest, wait until you see some of your trichomes change from milky to amber. I'd guess you're about 4-5 weeks out.


Bill.Clinton: thanks man, I'll take all the advice I can get and see what the local grow shop has for me, unfortunately the grow store I go to isn't very good recommending things b/c its always the most expensive things they sale that they recommend. I am definitely going to do it a lot better next year, and grow them indoors for 5-6 weeks before taking them out. I broke these out to late this year. Some range from 3 feet to almost 6 feet high. About 25 plants total, I'd like to get 2-3 ounces per plant. Not asking for a pound like some guys, but like I said I am a rookie!


Well-Known Member
I lie liquid copper it saved my plants this year, when i'd lost 60% for two consecutive years. And it killed what had destroyed me and it will be a yearly thing for me from now on. In guerrilla growing you meet alot of shit wanting to destroy my plant's. This is just to easy for me to apply and help my plant's survival and over all health. In your backyard and closet might be different when you can monitor and take care of your plants. When in the brush im lucky to see them 1 once a week and thats more then i should be there.
But after i seen what was doing it and fixed it with the help of friends. I look around here and everyone is showing plant's that looked just like man and are alway's asking why their leaves are dying off. But that's just my opinion.

Peace guy's


I'll take more pictures next week and load them up, also; anyone seen any police choppers or planes in your area? I haven't seen any.


Well-Known Member
Choppers start looking for patches in mid september in oakland county,other areas may be different.

And FYI liquid copper isnt harsh & its no worse than green cure,one manufacturer says not to use a week before harvest,mainly beacuse they play it safe,now another manufacturer comes along,mainly in the grow shop/ hydroponic relm & says to their coherts how can we distinguish our product from the rest ? Wait i know ! Lets say ours can be used up to the last day before harvest because most mj growers do not research what chemicals do once used they just read lables,if the lable says "all natural" or its in some way safer most growers will use it.

Liquid copper is the shit,i use it on all my grows,indoors & outdoors,on the indoor plants i use it up to the last week of harvest,no taste or quality issues either,its the benchmark product for its use & nothing on the market is as good.


I'll pick up the liquid copper once I run out of my current foliage spray. Oakland county is the 4-5 richest county in the nation, I expect them to be in full force for choppers surveying the land. But people up north should be alright b/c this state is damn near bankrupt.


Well-Known Member
Go get some liquid Copper and mix it up at 2 and half ounces per gallon and spray the fuck out of them girls after removing all the effected leaves. This will help. Don't spray at least two weeks before harvest. Now people are going to say add more nutes and your PH is off but trust me the Liquid Copper will help you out.

Guerrilla for life....tristynhawk
i liked ur post about the leaf spot, but now every time u see lower leaves yellowing u suggest leaf spot, which would be the same thing as misdiagnosing a leaf spot problem as a deficiency, which u were complaining about, i see nothing on his plants to suggest leaf spot, there is only yellowing no spotting(hence the name leaf spot) ur post got me all worried about my one plant thinking it was leaf spot, had i sprayed w/ liquid copper it wouldnt of solved anything,after a little research and googling, turns out that it was infact a deficiency, so wowee i suggest u do a little reasearching before u just take things that ppl say on here as is