Michael Phelps Endorses ROOR Bongs, Get One Today!


Well-Known Member
he was great in the water of course and Im sure he's a very nice guy in an akward situation but damn I just wish he would of turned around and said yeah this is what your average olympian stoner looks like so what? Instead I imagine his agent screaming repent repent!!! We are losing Kelloggs damnitall!" and crap like that. the kids got the money all ready he should of stood up and said yeah I am a decent guy and I get baked once in a while, do you prefer I slam shots of whiskey?'.. missed opportunity and a tough call under pressure too to be fair..

Major Tom

Well-Known Member
he was great in the water of course and Im sure he's a very nice guy in an akward situation but damn I just wish he would of turned around and said yeah this is what your average olympian stoner looks like so what? Instead I imagine his agent screaming repent repent!!! We are losing Kelloggs damnitall!" and crap like that. the kids got the money all ready he should of stood up and said yeah I am a decent guy and I get baked once in a while, do you prefer I slam shots of whiskey?'.. missed opportunity and a tough call under pressure too to be fair..
In the end he knows to pull in the bucks now and smoke on the side till he's free of the parasites around him

Ramen Shaman

Well-Known Member
Dude, is anyone else concerned how none of his sponsers seemed to care about it, either? After he apologized, they were like, "Yeah, he's young. What'd you guys expect?" I don't think anyone even dropped him.

skippy pb

Well-Known Member
Dude, is anyone else concerned how none of his sponsers seemed to care about it, either? After he apologized, they were like, "Yeah, he's young. What'd you guys expect?" I don't think anyone even dropped him.
Was that a joke? If it was you got me good.

But kelloggs cereal dropped him, and that was like his big sponsor or something


Well-Known Member
i heard some of his sponsors may be filing a large class action suit for breaking morality clauses or something in his contracts. but that was a few days ago and it was on cnn, and they always blow shit out of proportion

Major Tom

Well-Known Member
Was that a joke? If it was you got me good.

But kelloggs cereal dropped him, and that was like his big sponsor or something
You don't know what the fuck your talking about

Late Thursday, cereal and snack manufacturer Kellogg’s announced that it will not renew its sponsorship contract with 14-time Olympic gold medal champion Michael Phelps. The company said that Phelps’ recent acknowledgment of marijuana use, and subsequent apology, was “not consistent with the image” of the company.
We disagree!
It’s not Michael Phelps who should be castigated, but rather it’s the absurd and hypocritical laws that criminalize the behavior of Phelps and tens of millions of other successful and productive Americans like him that is worthy of condemnation.
Millions of Americans agree. In fact, in the past week dozens of high profile pundits and commentators — including Kathleen Parker in the Washington Post, Stanton Peele in the Wall Street Journal, and Doug Bandow in National Review Online — have demanded a repeal of America’s archaic and overly punitive pot laws.
Michael Phelps is in good company. Nearly one out of two Americans have admitted using marijuana. Whether or not the most decorated athlete in history chooses to unwind during his off time with a glass of wine or a bit of cannabis is really none of the government’s — or our — business.