New Member
Kelloggs dropped Phelps? What dumbasses..........
This is what I love about the whole thing! Think of all the millions of kids out there who look up the phelps!!! A large portion of the these kids are taught that marijuana is bad and you won't accomplish anything using etc etc. Now they have this reality breaking moment where they can look back at Mom and Dad and say But Phelps won 8 gold medals, and smokes pot. Then they will start to question all the other famous athletes musicians artists etc and realize WERE EVERYWHERE!!!!"I beat the Olympics, and i did it high."
he'd be sleeping in 20 minutes. lol.Phelps should go to Bonnaroo, get a booth, charge 20 bucks to smoke a bong with him (you supply the weed). He'd rake it in. The line would be 10 miles long. Fuck Kelloggs, he doesn't need them anyway.
I quite curious to hear exactly how you plan on explaining this double standard to your children.to be fair to the stiffs out there. i am a dad and i love my kids, even though im a huge pot head and i grow and all that good stuff, im still going to try and do every possible thing to get my kids to not use drugs (pot included). i know that pot is a gateway drug, thats pretty obvious and i also know that not everyone smokes crack or shoots heroin because they toked a joint, but to be totally honest i dont want to take the chance with my kids. i dont care one bit if its hippocritical either because there my kids and i love em more than life itself.......so mike phelps is a huge roll model and he should have known better than to get caught on some shmucks camera....he lost his sneaker sponsor, he lost his other sponsors, now hes probably gonna be banned from the olympics...it deffinitly wasnt worth the bong hit.....his ass should have been in a closet with that thing back to the wall so no one would have ever seen it. dumb move on his part. but being a role model and making millions he should have known better
I would put my pic on my avatar, but since I'm not an America hero, my local cops would kick in my door, trash my house and put me in jail and nobody would care. There wouldn't be any CNN report, write in opinion segment or a poll. It just be me, and since I have no endorsement deals, a good lawyer would be out of reach as well.I couldn't find the zombies though![]()
That's me on the left at the Cannabis Cup in 2000. The dude on the right is one of the guys from Serious Seeds. He's holding the Cannabis Cup they won for first place Best Sativa with Kali Mist. The picture was taken outside the Melkweg after the awards were given out.For all of you pissed off at phelps for not "standing up", let's see your real pics in your profile and avitar
thought so