Michael Kielsky for Maricopa County Attorney


Active Member
If you don't like what Bill Montgomery is doing by using his office as his "pulpit" for his own agenda, perhaps one might consider the alternative:


About me
I make a simple pledge -- As Maricopa County Attorney, I will devote the resources of the office to the prosecution of those individuals who have committed crimes involving force or fraud against another, identifiable, victim -- with a focus on victim restitution. Until such time as these efforts no longer consume all resources of the office, no efforts will be expended on prosecution of victimless crimes (such as simple possession).

After all, Arizona's Constitution makes clear that the purpose of government is the protection of individual rights -- government should not become the primary agent of violating the rights of individuals, including the right just to be left alone.
Education information
University (postgraduate):

Secondary School:

Work Info
Employer: Kielsky, Rike & Elgart, PLLC
Position: Attorney
Length of time: June 2009 to present
Location: Scottsdale, AZ


New Member
We need to do what we can to get this guy elected for preservation purposes.
He may be the extreme opposite of Montgomery, something that we need, regardless of Cannabis.
It is time for Arizona to CHANGE and understand what a democracy is.
Replace the individuals who are looking to make their political position a lifetime career rather than a duty to the citizens that elected them.
The president can only hold two terms, but the people who control this puppet can remain seated indefinitely, Fucked Up.

30,000 patients are at risk - get on board

Here is a great example:
Congress is bitching over free healthcare for citizens ( I choose not to express my opinion on this matter.)
Every seated politician official gets free healthcare for life.... All these individuals are old farts and any common health issue that arises from simply being old is paid for by our tax dollars.
Yet, they cannot seem to agree on a healthcare system for the people. Why? they simply do not care because it is just another thing that does not directly effect the politcos and spending states budgets on sick citizens cuts into their paychecks.
Just goes to show whos best interest is really at heart.
If Jan Brewers liver fails its all on us, she will not have to pay a dime, even though she induced the illness by herself over multiple years.

Hey Montgomery: Our governor is a drunk and is slowly committing suicide, how can someone with this type of mindset and lack of self respect be a leader.
How can you sit by and allow someone who would not be eligible to sign an everyday real estate contract due to inebriation, sign laws that govern peoples lives?
Every-time she puts a pen to paper a breathalyzer should be present.
If you are so eager to hand out felonies, you should look into your superiors actions, oh wait corruption prevents that from every occurring.

If this was Mexico, the cartels would take care of these people.
But it is the US and the cartel are these politicians.


Well-Known Member
Let's start talking to our neighbors about this guy and why it is important to vote for him.


Active Member
Seem familiar...
The Feds warned Dispensaries and anyone growing large numbers of plants, Patients and caregivers on the other hand have been given a pass by the angel of death. lol

If dispensaries come to AZ it's all over for patients who are capable of creating effective meds cheaply for themselves. It's all about business, fert companies raping the patients, caregivers raping the patients, everyone is in line. I personally can take care of myself and a few other patients.

Patients and caregivers have been given the nod from the Feds, not Big time cultivators making huge amounts of money under the guys of non profits. Dispensaries, co-0ps that require you to sign over cultivation rights, or whatever play on words we want to call them are out for $$$ and nothing else. Kinda like the word donation, is really a fee, play on words. Severe debilitating illness has become not so severe or debilitating from what I'm seeing a lot of.


Active Member
If you don't like what Bill Montgomery is doing by using his office as his "pulpit" for his own agenda, perhaps one might consider the alternative:


About me
I make a simple pledge -- As Maricopa County Attorney, I will devote the resources of the office to the prosecution of those individuals who have committed crimes involving force or fraud against another, identifiable, victim -- with a focus on victim restitution. Until such time as these efforts no longer consume all resources of the office, no efforts will be expended on prosecution of victimless crimes (such as simple possession).

After all, Arizona's Constitution makes clear that the purpose of government is the protection of individual rights -- government should not become the primary agent of violating the rights of individuals, including the right just to be left alone.
Education information
University (postgraduate):

Secondary School:

Work Info
Employer: Kielsky, Rike & Elgart, PLLC
Position: Attorney
Length of time: June 2009 to present
Location: Scottsdale, AZ
Thanks for the link, he has my vote and support. Montgomery is a hypocrite, it's illegal under federal law for possession of a joint, yet he acknowledges possession has been effectively decriminalized by prop 203 and he won't be going after patients for possession. Out of the other side of his mouth he states cultivation by patients is illegal under State law because it's illegal under Federal Law. Now that is unconstitutional he can't selectively enforce on law and not the other on the grounds of the Supremacy clause.

With that said Dispensaries have been warned by the feds.


Active Member
If dispensaries come to AZ it's all over for patients who are capable of creating effective meds cheaply for themselves. It's all about business, fert companies raping the patients, caregivers raping the patients, everyone is in line. I personally can take care of myself and a few other patients.
I've tried to get on the rooftop and warn about this, but the number of people who actually care seems to be in the hundreds. Not the hundreds of thousands. There's nothing on the November ballot, which means our last opportunity is already passed.

Severe debilitating illness has become not so severe or debilitating from what I'm seeing a lot of.
This bothers me a bit. But then, my own qualifying condition is not at all obvious to an observer. I look pretty healthy. I'm usually pretty active too. But there is an objective test for my condition that can be confirmed by any physician, regardless of the MMJ aspects.

I knew a guy with a prosthetic leg. One time he was driving my car (no handicap tag) and parked in a handicap spot. Someone in the parking lot was yelling at us about it. What surprised me is that my friend didn't pull up his pants leg. He let that guy go on believing he was fighting the good fight.

I'm very slow to judge.


Active Member
He went to Cortez in the 80s. Somebody here must have smoked a bowl with him, right?
Funny... There are still folks in town that went to good Ol' Cortez with the mate!!

You should see the mans High School photos... Not hard to find a 81 high school book - Just ask around!! Good Ol' Phoenix was but a small town in the early 80's!

Won't surprise me if he was doing Brody in the lawn at the State Capital back then... Keep in mind there was not Probable Cause like the Days we live in!!