Mi5-CFL-Indoor Grow

Hi this will be my first ever indoor grow. I have grown outdoors in a national forest for about 3 summers now. However this year that is not an option.

I ordered Mi5 seeds from dope-seeds.com. They where at my house about 10 days from order. This was delivery to the united states using a walmart money card. This part may be important to others. I spent a week trying to find a seed retailer who would accept the transaction. So DOPE SEEDS ACCEPTS WALMART MONEY CARDS! (those pre-paid visa cards)

OK, onto my grow. I came into problems right off the bat. I planned to germinate 4 seeds. 2 Mi5's and 2 Mystery Kush they gave me for free. I am growing in Sterilite storage bins using 3 42 watt CFL per plant.

**Will be in bins probably tomorrow morning or tonight. Right now they are on windowsill for free light.**

Well onto the problems. 1 Mi5 seed did not germinate. 1 Mystery Kush seed disappeared. I still haven't found it. So I got 3 Mi5 and 1 mystery going. I got them mixed up and unsure which is the mystery kush. My guess is when I grow more it will be whatever 1 looks different.

Anyway I am using some generic soil i got at home depot, then i added perlite, peat moss, and worm castings to my buckets. I have not transplanted the jiffy pots yet. Probably will tomorrow.

But anyway the part every1 is interested in. The pics.


Q: Is there anything else i need to add to soil before i transplant the jiffy pots, also do i need to cut the netting around the jiffy pots off or will the roots grow through it fine?

Q: What kind of fertilizer should i use and at roughly how many weeks should I add them?

Q: Mi5 are supposed to grow taller than most auto flowering strains. Should I try to LST them or when the height is an issue double stack the tubs to provide more height.



Well-Known Member
Do they deliver to usa cuz im kinda shaky using my credit card. i wanted to buy blueberry auto but im kinda worried to get busted...


Active Member

Q: Is there anything else i need to add to soil before i transplant the jiffy pots, also do i need to cut the netting around the jiffy pots off or will the roots grow through it fine?

-Your soil mix sounds fine, just make sure it is light enough. They should be fine without you having to cut the netting off but if you're worried about it then go for, can't imagine it would hurt anything.

Q: What kind of fertilizer should i use and at roughly how many weeks should I add them?

-Since Mi5 is an autoflower you'll want bloom nutes, maybe one or two doses of veg nutes at very low concentration before them. Keep in mind that you should wait till probably around the second week before giving nutes and that Mi5 typically shows sex at around day 14-16. I have not grown the Mystery Kush before so can't comment on that as far as nutes go.

Q: Mi5 are supposed to grow taller than most auto flowering strains. Should I try to LST them or when the height is an issue double stack the tubs to provide more height.

-Mi5 can grow rather tall, but may also stay very short. With autoflowers their height is highly dependent on how they are treated and the amount of space you give their roots. I've used 2L soda bottles cut to around 10 inches tall for Mi5 and have had plants anywhere from 8 to 26 inches tall at harvest. Most recent two are about 10 inches tall each, but were stunted early on. Depending on the size of container you plan to use for them and how well you care for them they could get pretty tall.

-LST is an option, but be wary of herms. Mi5 and SS seeds in general seem to have a tendency to herm but if you catch it right away and remove the balls they continue as female without further problems. This hasn't caused me any problems other than needing to check them every day for a week or two after showing sex. Because you are using CFLs for lighting, LST may be a better option for you than stacking two bins due to the low output of the lights, but the added stress could promote herms a bit, just something to watch for.

Also, do you have any sort of ventilation set up? Some people say CFLs don't put out any noticeable heat, but in a confined space like that I'm guessing you'll disagree. A simple PC case fan on the side or top should be sufficient for cooling with intake holes at the bottom. Make sure intake is smaller than exhaust so you get negative pressure inside to keep it cooler.

Good luck!